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Well hello guys because many users dont know how to compile with maven and switch from l2jfree to another team i made this guide

exactly for them


This guide has 3 parts



            Part 1 

            Download and run maven


First go to http://maven.apache.org/download.htmland download maven.I suggest you to download with zip and not with other tools

Second when you download it extract it in C: So the location of the programm will be C:\Maven 2.0.7

Then rename Maven to maven.So its location will be C:\maven

Finaly go to to l2jfree source that you download with eclipse.Open the cmd and type C:\maven\bin\mvn assembly:assembly

And it will start toi run maven.Wait it until it finish.


              Part 2

              Configure Eclipse


Go in the location that you have eclipse(not 3.1 but newer.I prefer 3.3)Start eclipse and select:window/preferences\java/Build Path/Classpath Variables

click "NEW"

and write in "Name"field M2_REPO

And in "Path"filed locate the m2 directory.It will be in C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME

Now refresh your workspace and you are set


                Part 3

                Install Eclipse Maven plugin

Open eclipse and select help\software updates\find and install\Select new features to install and press the option "New Remote site"

and add:


[table][tr][td]Name:m2 plugin



Press ok and finsh.Then it will download maven plugin when it finish press "Install all"and then when eclipse ask you to restart press "yes"

At the end go to run\external tools\open external tools dialog and select m2 build.And press the option "New lanch configuration"

When you click on "New lanch configuration" option it will pop up a new menu with 2 options.(Base Directory and Goals)


In base direcotry select "Browze workspace" and you will see all eclipse projects that you have.Select l2jfree but click on the arrow that it will show you trunk,tags,branches.Select trunk(if you want to complie interlude version)and select gameserver for example.

In "Goals option add the goal assembly:assembly and press run


And the gameserver will be compiled.If you want to compiled the loginserver just select login server


                          Frequently asked questions

                          I paste them from l2jfree forum


I got this error in my console (windows command line)



[table][tr][td]ERROR: JAVA_HOME not found in your environment.

Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the

location of your Java installation[/table]



You just have to set JAVA_HOME in your environment variable.

workspace => right click => properties => advanced => environment variable

Add new variable JAVA_HOME that target your installation path of JDK (ant not your JRE)


Diagnosis: Invalid task 'jar': you must specify a valid lifecycle phase, or a goal


The good command is :

mvn assembly:assembly to build your project


You can add

-Dmaven.test.skip=true to skip the test

-U to force the download of new maven plugin versions

-o to keep offline


mvn clean to clean your build


I have an error message, CHECKSUM FAILED

This is just a warning, not an error. The build will continue.


Plug-in org.maven.ide.eclipse was unable to load class org.maven.ide.eclipse.preferences.Maven2PreferencePage.



Eclipse 3.2

plugin < Maveen 2.0 integration 0.0.9 >



The problem is not with the plugin. What you need to keep in mind is that the plugin is built on top on Maven. So you need to install Maven first and run it at least one time from the command line so that the "Documents and Settings/<username>/.m2" directory is created. Once that is done, go back in Eclipse and everything will be ok.



                    Usefull tips


when you ready to compile  open your cmd and go to the main folder of your workspace project(such c:, cd workspace, cd l2_gamesever_il). When u get on its folder only type ur path to maven and the mvn inside bin folder (u'll be on ur l2_gamesever_il folder, you type c:\maven\bin\mvn assembly:assembly)


And Thats it. its takes bout 1~2 mins


Have fun...

I hope i help with this guide.Any problems post it here!

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