mirsadse Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Well IG bot need smaller amout of work than l2Net so i wouldn't be so sceptic. @killik If we speak about scripts,than bots are not for all players,if you can't handle it thats just your problem.
killik Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 @killik If we speak about scripts,than bots are not for all players,if you can't handle it thats just your problem. invalid argument bots are there for what? to make it easier to xp not harder you shouldnt be forced to learn a script language to bot
mpj123 Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 invalid argument bots are there for what? to make it easier to xp not harder you shouldnt be forced to learn a script language to bot use the GUI, I've botted 9 man partys with no scripts... I'm not sure what everyone is crying about.
killik Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Gui=bot options? then you get stuck at every corner As i said the fighter script 358+ is there and can be used without big trouble Still lets focus Small bump to this: the solution seems here but i dont have 150 posts :) http://allcheats.ru/post1942170-314/ So if anyone can help send me a message XD could wininject be of any use with ingame walker 2.13 (since the russian post mentions it) ? http://rapidshare.com/files/351224562/Winject.rar some1 leet experiment and find out plax
gargamel2 Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 the solution seems here but i dont have 150 posts :) http://allcheats.ru/post1942170-314/ So if anyone can help send me a message XD walker 1 l2net 0 what a let down :( This doesn't works. Have a ru friend and i asked him about it.
Shomid Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 Im getting used to exp without a bot :D but too bad that i don'T have time for Naruto now :D
Sylorr Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Could the problem be fixed without looging into DLL? for example with CPP packets , the only problem is that we need to get ID corrector as from hellbound outcomming packets are renamed (their IDs) somehow. And if we find stable new target ID we could jsut replace it in walker or im not right
fdx Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 from hide 1. сначало надо зайти с ихнем l2.exe потом до выбора персонажа( считывает ключ в ини файл), потом ставим любой чистый l2.exe от финала и заходим в игру. 2. Внимание из за неточной расшифровки 2 ключа верефиципуется не с 1 раза 1 - 10 заходов в игру как повезет. (если не верефицировался небудет выделять цели) 3. Внимание расщитано под логин из 5 букв больше если у вас непытайтесь зайти! Код: var p1,s1,p2,hz,s2,o1,o2,key,s:integer; k,p,s11,s22,i:string; ini: TMemIniFile; begin if _gAbsNumPkt=3 then begin ScanPck5(_gBuff,36, 'dd', o1, o2, null, null, null); ScanPck5(_gBuff,20, 'ddd', p1, hz, p2, null, null); if o2 > 0 then begin key:=p1*32+o1; ini:=TMemIniFile.Create(_gCustomDir+'key.ini'); ini.Clear; ini.WriteInteger('ID', 'key', key) ; ini.UpdateFile; ini.Free; end; if o2 = 0 then begin ini:=TMemIniFile.create(_gCustomDir+'key.ini'); Ini.ReadInteger('ID', 'key', s); p:=copy(_gBuff,1,35); s22:=copy(_gBuff,40,4); s1:=key-(p1 * 32); s2:= (p2 div 32) + 3;// вот это параметр меняется то он +1 то + 3 то + 5 то + 7 может и - 7 такчто зайдем с раза 10) как повезет... _goutBuff:=p+IntToBin(s1)+IntToBin(s2); end; end; end. This guy on Help section said thats what's writen on that russian forum, hiden. Used google translator but still didnt understand it so ill leave it as original. Hope it helps:S
gargamel2 Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Thanks for share Nice wooork 100% Can u please explain it to us mortals also? The ones that don't understand russian?
dotCOM Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Вам не надо понимать русский, просто бойтесь нас. I can say at once - this script don`t work.
fdx Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 Thanks for share Nice wooork 100% Guess this is just random spam, since he gives no information at all.. Guess bot on RPG-club wont work again =/
haart Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 bots work there only that we don;t know how l2net team don't play there so no interes to spent time making l2net working on RPG my advice: play fair or find another server to bot
pinchaso Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 With the new antibot system can i log a buffer and autobuff or dont work too???
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