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[Help] School's Project


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Hello guys, im doing one project in my school about computers (poll). So i will need about 5 minutes of your life, please help me ;)


Explanation: You will have to answer some questions that i will set you, choose only one each time.

How will i answer?: E.G. for the first question, put an answer like: 1) a/b/c/d (a,b,c,d are the choices)


So lets start, hope that you will help me.


1) Whats your sex?

A. Male , B. Female


2) Whats your age?

A. 12-18 , B. 19-30 , C. 30-40 , D. 40+


3) Do you have any personal computers in your home? How many?

A. 0 , B. 1 , C. 2 , D. 3 , E. 4+


4) How many hours you stay on your personal computer?

A. 1-2 Hour(s) , B. 3-4 Hours , C. 5-6 Hours , D. 7+


5) How many years do you use a personal computer?

A. 1-2 Year(s) , B. 3-4 Years, C. 5-6 Years , D. 7+


6) What you mostly do on your personal computer?

A. My job requires that , B. Gaming , C. Serfing , D. I just like using my personal computer


7) Do you want to be a professional?

A. Yes , B. No


8) Do you have internet at your home? How many mbps?

A. I dont have , B. 2mbps , C. 4mbps , D. 8mbps , E. 12mpbs , F. 24mbps , G. 24+


9) What you like most?

A. Internet , B. Walking with a friend


10) Did you buy your personal computer or you did build him by yourself?

A. I bought it , B. I built it by myself


11) What operation system do you use?

A. Windows , B. Linux , C. Mac , D. Other


12) What main processor do you use?

A. Intel , B. AMD , C. Other


13) What Graphic card do you use?

A. NVidia B. ATI , C. Other


14) How many inches is your desktop?

A. 14-17 , B. 17-20 , C. 21-25 , D. 26+


15) Do you use Chat machines, such as facebook, skype, msn?

A. Yes , B. No

Thank you.

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1) Whats your sex? Male


2) Whats your age? 12-18


3) Do you have any personal computers in your home? How many? 4+


4) How many hours you stay on your personal computer? 7+


5) How many years do you use a personal computer? 7+


6) What you mostly do on your personal computer? My job requires that, Gaming,  Serfing


7) Do you want to be a professional? Yes


8) Do you have internet at your home? How many mbps? 24mbps


9) What you like most? Walking with a friend


10) Did you buy your personal computer or you did build him by yourself? I built it by myself


11) What operation system do you use? Windows


12) What main processor do you use? AMD


13) What Graphic card do you use? ATI


14) How many inches is your desktop? 21-25


15) Do you use Chat machines, such as facebook, skype, msn? Yes

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