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Frintezza Guide


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If someone play on C5 off with working frintezza or retail i got a guide for it how to do.Of my clan on teon.



Before do anythink i sugggest ALL turn on the game music its very niceWell when the CC leader port inside (total 5 partys) the partys split 2 partys go there and In this first room we need just to kill the mobs till doors will open and pick up "Dewdrop Of Destruction"(mobs drop 3-5 of these)that need to be used on paintings inside the Lair.


The Other 3 partys go to onother room and kill somethink small towers

its 4 if i remember right when all towers killed its pasive and with no mobs

or open the wals or you go to exit and meet the other 3 partys.I dont have foto Sad( but its too eazy u just shoot only






This is the second room that Well all partys meet here BUT I REPEAP BUT this is too hard we need to clean it.In this room mobs make a BIIIGG spawn and all BD's have to use Medusa Dance. So all must make assist

and its funny left and right has mobs like abraxions(Gulag) and dance from fritezzas music its passive while u hit them more agro mobs spawn so be careful. When clear u go to the next room who friteza IS







Inside the lair, we need to make a circle with our parties.Cinematic video will start When Frintezza will re-spawn we need to use the "Dewdrop Of Destructions" on paintings,whos is clickable and after to kill the mobs that will spawn. ithink must do it queck couse more time more mobs








Here u use this items








This is the boss that we need to kill and he has 3 forms.When he makes the 3rd form he gain full hp and is more aggresive with hard attacks and skills.


Be carefull: When he is gonna cast AOE's you just need to run away.The cast of AOE is Slow so u can run safe


For killing this RB we need a party with EE 74+, Cardinal, SM 77+, Pof/CoV,BD (better with Medusa), and of course Draconic archers -) Uber like me


The first Form



The second form

Whel the life go for 80% to 20% its still eazy



The Third Form

When his life is to 20% Transform With full HP




When u see him with a big pink light around him run!!!



If you dont run and if u dont have a sws look this...... OWNED HARD!!

The range of AOE is arround hmmm 1200-1500

Deulhnio was in town thats why he is alive Shocked



And ofc the party who lvl up cristals must do the last hit



Ok thats it:D







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with some better english it would have been PERFECT. Very good job though, you seem experienced. It worths +1 and sticky

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