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i am from macedonia (greece) and i can say...that everyone is proud, even foregins, (for macedonia)


Great Alexander was macedonian and leave in macedonia which is here in greece....

i can say that the half asia is greek? it isn't....but i can say it and prove it (like FYROM does for macedonia)

but this is a lie


pff macedonia is part of argentina, end of story.




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44% of the ppl believe that macedonia is there....

one of them draw this map ^^

are the albanian lands before 1912. Conference of ambassadors of great poweres in london in 1912 divide albania like it is today. It was a dump decision and USA is trying to fix it. You know very well how greece got Chameria and what did with it.

Still no matter albanians never cried.

We got Kosovo back.

Soon we'll get and other lands.



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i 've never heard the place Chameria :/


Main article: Chameria


According to the 1928 census held by the Greek state, there were 18,600-19,600 Muslim Cams in Thesprotia prefecture. They were forced to seek refuge in Albania at the end of WWII after a part of them collaborated and committed a number of crimes together with the Nazis during the 1941-1944 period. In the first post-war census (1951), only 123 Muslim Çams were left in the area. Descendants of the exiled Muslim Chams (they claim that they are now up to 170,000, living in Albania) claim that up to 35,000 Muslim Çams were living in southern Epirus before World War II. Many of them are currently trying to pursue legal ways to claim compensation for the properties seized by Greece. Nowadays, only a small number live in Greece. For Greece the issue does not exist.




btw never asked yourself, why in greece live so many albanians??

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Main article: Chameria


According to the 1928 census held by the Greek state, there were 18,600-19,600 Muslim Cams in Thesprotia prefecture. They were forced to seek refuge in Albania at the end of WWII after a part of them collaborated and committed a number of crimes together with the Nazis during the 1941-1944 period. In the first post-war census (1951), only 123 Muslim Çams were left in the area. Descendants of the exiled Muslim Chams (they claim that they are now up to 170,000, living in Albania) claim that up to 35,000 Muslim Çams were living in southern Epirus before World War II. Many of them are currently trying to pursue legal ways to claim compensation for the properties seized by Greece. Nowadays, only a small number live in Greece. For Greece the issue does not exist.




btw never asked yourself, why in greece live so many albanians??

i can't understand this text (many unknown words :|)

anyway turkey and germany is the cause of that mess...

my poor opinion...

i am gonna live in china or japan :madness:

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Cheap drugs? oh no wait, that's in arg..


Don't be stupid..

It's just because of our perfect government, trying to do its best for us, the citizens.

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i can't understand this text (many unknown words :|)

anyway turkey and germany is the cause of that mess...

my poor opinion...

i am gonna live in china or japan :madness:

In December 1912, the Great Powers (the forerunners of NATO) - Britain, Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary, Italy and France - met in London to divide the unexpected spoils. The conference handed an independent Albanian state to Austro-Hungary and Italy. But the price was a great diminishment in its geographical scope. Kosovo was given to Serbia, Cameria to Greece, the most luscious and productive lands and more than half of all Albanians were left out of the new independent homeland. Such was the nature of territorial comprises at that time that it created more problems than it solved. Two news ones were born that day and hour: a Yugoslav-Albanian flaring animosity and a Greek-Albanian mutual denial. The unfortunate and tragicomic German who was appointed to administer Albania (Wilhelm zu Wied) departed soon thereafter with the outbreak of the first World War.


This first European bloodbath provoked all of Albania's neighbours into an uncontrolled binge of invasions. Austro-Hungary, France, Italy, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia - they all marched in with no plan in mind but to occupy and plunder. The country turned chaotic and it took a Woodrow Wilson in the Paris Peace Conference to avert an abolition of the Albanian independent state. It was not the first time Albania descended into chaos - nor was this to be the last time the Americans would come to the help of the Albanians. Britain, France and Italy planned to partition it, Wilson vetoed it and that was the end of the plan and the beginning of Albania.


means map you saw before is not drawed by random ppl. Were albanians lands that unfortunely were divided by great powers just with a pencil.

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