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[L2J] Inferno


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server is on and wiped now?

They are still working on it, so the server is temporary down. And no buff 2h; retail buff/song times.
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WTF are u doing? Gracialude? Loled - No attribute(humm ok.. 2k dmg on BP ftw!) Max S grade... ;o No epic jwls? Haha ok, go 50 online.

Dual box not allowed? Next fail, Did u remember when astral world punished dualbox? -50% players...

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WTF are u doing? Gracialude? Loled - No attribute(humm ok.. 2k dmg on BP ftw!) Max S grade... ;o No epic jwls? Haha ok, go 50 online.

Dual box not allowed? Next fail, Did u remember when astral world punished dualbox? -50% players...

Hmm nice anti-noob feautures they are working already.
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Right, but if u like play with 50 online... ;)

rofl there were over 200 maybe 300 in the first week...


nekys gl with the new server....i hope it will have same success like the old one..

i will play here again with pleasure :)

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nope..no dual box allowed!!thats the best part D:

Its a server where BD/Sws/EE/SE can be VERY usefull..not only archer/tanks/dagger/nuker.

Even WC was better than an OL..and that is very rare.

Trust me.this is the nearest server to retail..but with instant lvl 85 !

the best pvp expierence u can ever play on L2...

If u don't like this..that means u don't like l2

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nope..no dual box allowed!!thats the best part D:

Its a server where BD/Sws/EE/SE can be VERY usefull..not only archer/tanks/dagger/nuker.

Even WC was better than an OL..and that is very rare.

Trust me.this is the nearest server to retail..but with instant lvl 85 !

the best pvp expierence u can ever play on L2...

If u don't like this..that means u don't like l2

You can dualbox easy, wmware pwnz

Btw nice server, its still down?

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when I played it was full offesive server nuker dagger archers etc.

There was basic buff


and result we see  in wipe style


anyway gl myabe I will join coz these servers what I tried are sh1t worth with 50 ppl

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