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[guide] How to edit armors/weapons/tattoos .. Easy guide ( for noobs )

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i saw another post, but isn't so good for newbie. mb you will see the difference in my post..


just useful codes


<mul val='1.10' order='0x40' stat='pAtk'/>  ---- + 10% p.atk..

if you change mul val='1.10' with mul val='1.12' the code will be  <mul val='1.12' order='0x40' stat='pAtk'/>  and he will add +12% p.atk


same for m.atk  <mul val='1.10' order='0x40' stat='mAtk'/>  ---- + 10% m.atk

same for critical rate <mul val='1.10' order='0x40' stat='rCrit' />  ----- + 10% critical rate

same for max hp  <mul val='1.15' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'/>  ----- + 15% max hp


Where you see "order='0x40' " means that the "mul val='1.10' " will add the exactly number after  "mul val='1.<here>' "

What you can edit : you can change pAtk with what stats you want to add like :

mAtk  > magic attack

mAtkSpd  > magic attack speed ( casting speed )

pAtkSpd  > atk speed

rCrit  > critical rate

runSpd  > move speed

maxHp  >  hp%

maxMp  > mp%

pDef    > ...

mDef  > ....


How to add exactly STR, DEX, INT, WIT, CON ?


<add order="0x10" stat="STR" val="2"/>      that will add exactly STR.. +2 STR

You can change STR with CON, DEX, INT, WIT..

You can change 2 with 100 and it will add 100 STR ( if you have STR after "stat" )


How to add exactly HP, MP

Easy again..

<add order="0x40" stat="maxHp" val="500"/>    this will add exactly HP  ... + 500 HP ( not in % )

You can change maxHp with maxMp ( if you want mp )

You can change "val="500" " with what number you want.. if you put 5000, then it will add 5000 ( mp or hp.. depends on what you type at stat ..  stat="maxHp" or stat="maxMp" )



You can change pDef, pAtkSpd, mDef, mAtk, mAtkSpd, runSpd, rCrit with other code


<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.0200"/>  this will add 2,00% atk speed

How to change stats? Easy .. You need to edit at val.. if you put val="1.0250" it will add 2,50% ... if you put val="1.0964" it will add 9,64% .. Now it's easy, right ?  or you can put val="1.9999" and it will add 99,99%

You can change stat ( stat="HERE" ) with pDef, pAtkSpd, mDef, mAtk, mAtkSpd, runSpd, rCrit



How to add resists for stun, bleed, hold, sleep







You can add stats to be in % or exactly stat


for %

<mul val='1.10' order='0x40' stat='bleedRes' />  it will add 10%

the only thing that you need to edit is > mul val='1.HERE' <  .. put from 01 until 99

and edit > stat='HERE' < with sleepRes, rootRes, stunRes, bleesRes


for exactly stat

<mul val='1.80' order='0x40' stat='sleepRes' />  it will add +80 sleep resist

you can edit the number 80 with 01 until 99 or you can edit stat with sleepRes, rootRes, stunRes, bleesRes

<mul val='1.HERE' order='0x40' stat='HERE' />



credits : me ( for typing and explications ) and google ( for codes )


( if you want to know something about editing, replay with a question and i will answer )








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