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L2J-Equal InterLude Project


TimeLine: http://trac6.assembla.com/L2J-Equal/timeline


SVN: http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/L2J-Equal/


Wep Site: http://www.l2equal.lt/

Is that all :S?

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timeline is in english and since when does java support multilangauge? anyway yes, lets hope he doesnt close, alltho tbh id be ok with it even if he did, enough works and what didnt.. is updated easily.

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Consider changing the forum for english, else no one will post here.


Distributions die with the lack of interest of owners, as the lack of interest of the community.


No community, no interest of owner = dead project.


Your old forum was too LT, and no one could post here. You're doing the same error once more.


If Minutis can hear that...




Another question, why Minutis take the developement from 0 ? Bad developement, you change the way ? Informations plox.

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