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[Game] World Hardest game 'EVER' (Ultimate Riddle)


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I still cant find what i have to do on lvl 5, and when i will find it out i will say "Oh that was so easy?" -.-"


It's really simple.. At source we see <!-- How many squares? --> If you count the squares they are five (including the outside, not just the inside). And at hints we see "Just write the solution in the new directory."


So if our link is blabla/bla/ we make it blabla/bla/five.htm


THAT SIMPLE. Tomorrow i'll see what i can do at 7, i hope i'll find the solution ;D

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what about lvl 4 ? :$


<!-- Go to princess.htm -->


help me...


c'mon guys, don't tell awnsers, and don't ask for it:D

if you ask, ask for hints like this:


right click and look at the page source.


It will say you what to do ^^




P.S. GL all, and i think im still at top:D lvl 11 :P

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