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What You Think About Epilogue ?


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Da best client for me it's only Interlude ( NCsoft don't make C6!! idots...)

But Gracia Epilogue it's very fine. New gameplay, new interface ;) new skills etc. etc. It's really good client ;)

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I am the type of L2 player who loves the new features.

I also have the opinion that the newer a chronicle is,the better the gameplay gets.

I loved Kamael,Hellbound and Gracia Thrones and so I will with Epilogue.

We have to change with the changes,adapting ourselves on them.


QFT, you can clearly see how this game is getting more and more organized .

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  • 2 months later...

Well in my opinion epilouge looks better , the new items/pets/raids/zones and stuff are cool but many players are complaing about epilouge .. but if lineage would start with epilouge client and wen't to old clients like interlude then people would say that interlude sucks and epilouge is best in my opinion

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the hroniclesa fter Interlude ruined L2.Its my opinion so dont flame me.I prefer good old C4 days.They were best !

not ruined l2, changed l2.
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