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interlude [L2J] iPlay


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Why the -beep- you are lying?

You did the same posts to my server's topic too (l2strict.com)

you idiot if you dont stop it i will report you.

gl with your server addy.

Thanks ma`friend




Event system:

The server automatically choose 3 events

All players need to vote for favorite event

The event with most votes will start in 10 minutes

      - Death Match

            - You get a life-stone per kill

            - The winner get 15 life-stones

      - Raidboss

            - When the raidboss dies, life-stones will fall down on the ground between 20-25

      - Hide'n Seek

            - unknown

      - Team vs Team

            - unknown

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We have hidden a NPC on giran named Artik, he is the master on hidden knowledge and he will reborn you.

You can reborn only 3 times and only when you reach lvl 80+ on your main char, on each reborn you will be granted with a rebirth skill. On each reborn your level turn to 1 and you will need to exp again but on each rebirth level experience is decreased.

On every rebirth you will learn one random skill of three skills, so you need some luck


This is the the table of rebirth skills:

Level 1:

 - Rebirth CP: 500

 - Rebirth HP: 500

 - Rebirth MP: 500

Level 2:

Experience will be decreased with 50x

 - Rebirth CP: 700

 - Rebirth HP: 700

 - Rebirth MP: 700

Level 3:

Experience will be decreased with 67x

 - Rebirth CP: 1200

 - Rebirth HP: 1200

 - Rebirth MP: 1200

New URL : l2iplay.com



The server will be online tomorrow or on 8 April... :D See`ya

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Why don't you announce that you made a wipe, you will bring more people in, including me.



I forget, and yes will be wipe.

We had over 18.000 characters :D


We did upgrade for server


Quad Core q9550





Server will be online tomorrow (8April) 7:00PM GTM+2

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