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Create com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PVPInstance.java

package com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.TradeController;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Multisell;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2TradeList;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExBuySellListPacket;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.StringUtil;

* @author Mentor
* @version 1.1
* @web www.teamsrv.net

public class L2PVPInstance extends L2NpcInstance
public L2PVPInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
	super(objectId, template);

public String getHtmlPath(int npcId, int val)
	String pom = "";

	if (val == 0) pom = "" + npcId;
	else pom = npcId + "-" + val;

	return "data/html/PVPMerchant/" + pom + ".htm";

protected final void showBuyWindow(L2PcInstance player, int val)

	L2TradeList list = TradeController.getInstance().getBuyList(val);

	if (list != null && list.getNpcId().equals(String.valueOf(getNpcId())))
		player.sendPacket(new ExBuySellListPacket(player, list, 0, false));
		_log.warning("buylist id:" + val);


public void onBypassFeedback(L2PcInstance player, String command)
	StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " ");
	String actualCommand = st.nextToken(); // Get actual command
	int pvp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
	if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("Buy") && player.getPvpKills() >= pvp)
		if (st.countTokens() < 1)

		int val = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		showBuyWindow(player, val);
	else if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("Multisell") && player.getPvpKills() >= pvp)
		if (st.countTokens() < 1)

		int val = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		L2Multisell.getInstance().separateAndSend(val, player, getNpcId(), false, getCastle().getTaxRate());
	else if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("Exc_Multisell") && player.getPvpKills() >= pvp)
		if (st.countTokens() < 1)

		int val = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		L2Multisell.getInstance().separateAndSend(val, player, getNpcId(), true, getCastle().getTaxRate());
		NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
		final StringBuilder html1 = StringUtil.startAppend(2000, 
		"<html><body><font color=\"06ff0a\">PvP Manager:</font><br>	You not enough pvp kills.<br1>You have <font color=\"LEVEL\">",
		"</font> pvp kills in <font color=\"FF0000\">",
		"</font> pvp kills.<br><center>Created by <font color=\"06ff0a\">Mentor</font></center></body></html>");
		super.onBypassFeedback(player, command);



INSERT INTO `custom_npc` VALUES ('40000', '32226', 'Barika', '1', 'PVP Shop Manager', '1', 'LineageNPC2.K_F1_grand', '11.00', '22.25', '70', 'male', 'L2PVP', '40', '2444', '2444', '0.00', '0.00', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '0', '0', '500', '500', '500', '500', '278', '0', '333', '0', '0', null, '0', '28', '120', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', 'false');



Create PVPMerchant directory in data/html.


<html><body>L2PVP Shop Instance By Mentor:<br>

<font color="LEVEL">Npc by Mentor</font><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 200 452">Multisell PvP (PVP 200)</a><br1>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell 400 452">Exc_Multisell PvP (PVP 400)</a><br1>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_buy 0 40000">Buy (PVP 0)</a><br1>



<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell PVP_COUNT MULTISELL_ID">Buy Weapon</a>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell PVP_COUNT MULTISELL_ID">Buy Weapon</a>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_buy PVP_COUNT MERCHANT_BUYLIST_ID">Buy Weapon</a>


I tested in L2J (Rev 3900).

Created by Mentor.(me)

[sorry, I bad in Enlish.]

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