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How should this look to you?

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Hello guys!I am about opening a server and here is how i am thinking about it

Pack:Chronicle 4 Scions of Destiny (The First L2J C4 PACK!)

Rates:X40 with boosted xp zones

Npcs:Buffer with ALL second class buffs (not third like renewal,powa,pow,pof cov etc...)

GM shop that contains

Armor shop

Weap Shop

Misc Shop



Farm Areas:

There will be one area or maybe two...or 1 area without pk guards and high drops or

2 one pvp more with higer drop and one else with guards and lower drops




Custom Gk:

Xp zones

and rb zones



To take the s grade weapons you will need only adena

but for special abilities you need farm! for each item

you need different colour stone,look this example:

For Dc armor you will need fire maybe,But for weapon green

so you will have to gather ALL THE STONES to make a full set




About nobless and hero:

Noblesses will be only the elites again....

each 7 days a special boss will be spawned in the farm zone

and will drop a "proof for nobless" or something like this

which is clickable and will make you nobless automatic

But for the first days maybe each 8 hours...we dont know yet!

to avoid bots,will not be class based class and 1 hour only olympiad


Also there is a rebirth system and we discuss about subclasses



Server will be open today...but for public by the friday if everything goes well!


Tell me opinions please...Remember in the first days we will have all the time events!

Lvl up,H&S,korean,pvp,mass pvp,chess masters etc....


Tell me opinions!


UPDATE:Customs removed,server opened and is under development atm!


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(Probably a custom apella armor with different

colours and stats that are quite balanced and weapons will be the special edited dusk weapons with a bit increased SA's

and enchant powers)

i've stopped reading here.

custom stuff wuite balanced? sorry, but i don't believe.

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Pack:Chronicle 4 Scions of Destiny (L2paradise's pack which i will buy it soon)

Rates:X40 with boosted xp zones

Npcs:Buffer with ALL second class buffs (not third like renewal,powa,pow,pof cov etc...)

Armor shop

Weap Shop

Misc Shop


This seems cool to me.


About the customs items, no waaay.

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Hello guys!I am about opening a server and here is how i am thinking about it


Pack:Chronicle 4 Scions of Destiny (L2paradise's pack which i will buy it soon)

Rates:X40 with boosted xp zones

Npcs:Buffer with ALL second class buffs (not third like renewal,powa,pow,pof cov etc...)

Armor shop

Weap Shop

Misc Shop


Custom shop

The custom shop will be selling the L2Dusk/L2Giant Armors and weapons (Probably a custom apella armor with different

colours and stats that are quite balanced and weapons will be the special edited dusk weapons with a bit increased SA's

and enchant powers)To take these items you should farm some items,obtain some proofs or something like this from raids

and create a craftsman mold from crafting.


Farm Areas:

Should be one but not decided for sure

it will have the following custom addons:

7 different spots

Insider will be agro mobs for warlords

the mobs will be down by an average player with 6-7 nuking spells

with only attacks without spells that will gie to an average player 200-350 to fighter

300-550 to mages (so you should have a really good knowledge of walker or just be on pc)

with drops the usual mantras

Mantras value:

Fire:A grade jewels,S grade armor,Custom Heavy

Wind:A grade Armor,S Grade Weapon,Custom Robe

Water:A grade Weapon:S grade Jewels,Custom Light

All mantras:Custom weapon

Enchant rates

Mage gear (armor and weap) 55%

Fighter gear (armor and weap) 63%

Jewels all types :65%

Rb jewels 45%


Custom Gk:

Xp zones

and rb zones

Mithril will be starting and main shopping zone


Nobl via special quest which can take the items from the bosses (3 different ones)


Thats for the beggining,Tell me your opinion about it!

hmm.. if it was c5 i would join!
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