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ESL2 Working OOG+IG :)


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People requested ESL2 walker in the L2Gold thread and since ESL2 has an overly invasive client protection I felt like I had to share IG too.


Same philosophy as the other thread, I'm posting no pack but I tell how to do it.



Exact same procedure as for L2Gold (same script too). Refer to this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=9584.0


The only thing different is IP, port and token.


Port 2932

token 5e37282332262a35255e38402328243d29344031


Follow the same steps as for L2Gold using this info instead in walker and PPC.



Things you will need

IG walker

A walker verify server (Sauron's WP obviously does it but if you're not running OOG you might want something taking less memory ~ l2asrv.exe)

Hex editor. UltraEdit works wonders

You need a "clean" system folder (ie the default C4 one), which you patch with dstuff's patcher(not covered in this thread)


Once you have a patched system folder, open engine.dll with your hex editor.

UltraEdit has a Goto line button in its main toolbar. We have 2 things to fix in engine, the port and the token.


at 0x0F4356, you should see 3A 08. That's hex for 2106(default port). We want 2932. Replace this 3A 08 for 74 0B. The port is done.


the token we want to edit starts at 0x62531c. You should see _;5]94-31==-%xT!^[ in the text view. Edit this whole thing so it does 5e 37 28 23 32 26 2a 35 25 5e 38 40 23 28 24 3d 29 34 40 31 in hex. That will do ^7(2&*5%^8@#($=)4@1 in text view. If you do a mistake you won't be able to connect.. but you can correct it, obviously. UltraEdit always does a backup anyway, called filename.bak


Last step is to edit l2.ini with dstuff's encdec to have the right IP, (not covered here)


There you go, working, clean ESL2 system folder without the client-side protection bullshit.


Again, at the time of writing this, both walkers work. If it doesn't work you did something wrong.



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thanks sltbnjr! its working fine! Great Job you made my day!


I uploaded everythings you need here Sauron's WP; Walker pack OOG/IG for ES; Host for walker.

===> http://hosted.filefront.com/elf2ouf/  enjoy~



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Hmmm still not working for me:


Patched with:

GMlist Party-buff PacketProcess Token


09:25:01 www.nudl.net

09:25:01 òðóëÿëÿ

09:25:02 Link LoginServer Succeed.

09:25:32 ->Login LoginServer Timeout.

10:22:44 www.nudl.net

10:22:44 Link LoginServer Succeed.

10:23:14 ->Login LoginServer Timeout.


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I don't possibly see what could be fixed with the information in this thread as there's nothing new at all. I think admins at ESL2 know what their token is.


whatever I just blocked my post but I still think that's against the whole point of sharing.

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