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Pentru cei ce ma cunosc: Salut, Noroc

Pentru cei ce nu ma cunosc sunt DOC

Da da exact ca extensia de la Word

Si asta fiindca m-a sunat Bill Gates si-am fost d'acord.




Pentru cei ce ma cunosc: Salut, Noroc

Pentru cei ce nu ma cunosc sunt DOC

Da da exact ca extensia de la Word

Si asta fiindca m-a sunat Bill Gates si-am fost d'acord.






Imi tarasc bocancii grei prin nisip si praf

Amuzat,distrat k Basescu prin Irak

Cu ochii in patru p-un perete am desenat

o p**a si dedesubtul ei am scris senat.

domnule vreti sa ma dobarati

pana atunci in mortii matii o sa ma asculti.

mi se rupe inima cand vad oameni amarati

si p**la cand politicieni corupti,omorati

in miezul noptii vagabontii va zguduie

cu texte sacadate care va trag la m**e

gata sa pierd controlul cu bata

iti vandalizez mercedesul si pe fita

ati plamat hip-hop-ul de-atatea dati

uiteti k muzica asta prosta schimba mentalitati

cu ceausescu atarnat pe perete

esti un retard ce se gaseste in piesele lui pepe

inchide-ti termopanul,unde te-ascunzi?

ca-m sa ridic volumul si tot o sa m-auzi ca:


Refren:Muzica asta iti zguduie peretii

Din noapte asta

Pana la sfarsitul vietii

Ascult-o p’asta in gatu matii

Da-te-n sloboz,in p**a mea,in mortii matii (2x)


Arzi de nerabdare sa dispar cand apar

daca arzi de nerabdare,arzi de tot macar

ai comportament ostil de p***a

o parte dintre noi,adik voi e m**sta

noi,facem haz de necaz,viatza e grea

batem la usi cu sorcova,guvernul cu


voi,sunteti inmarmuriti peste masura

k am tupeu sa f*t atata lumea in gura

sar,din gura in gura ca microbul ratacit

daca aviara dadea-n ciori,dormeam linistit

fara gabori si politicieni corupti

fara tine cel ce te prefaci ca nu ne-asculti

fara oameni tristi ce-i plang pe comunisti

fara ca atunci cand zici ceva sa te risti

fara sa ramai fara bani,in fine

fara toate astea,crede-ma chiar am traii bïne


Pentru cunoscatori incep traumele  :D

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    • hyperH explain this... WTF ????????? A friend of mine send me .. . you try to scam people ?    https://prnt.sc/RFudooMAmvEL
    • Go and delete that before a newcomer sees it.  😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣   Believe me, you haven't banned me, because you still use primitive banning techniques. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I'm having a lot of fun with you. 🥰
    • Do not put things in my mouth I never mentioned monkey. https://l2jmobius.org/forum/index.php?topic=3230   This topic is a shitshow. Great moderation... Quality stuff...   On my forum you would be banned in the first hour. Oh wait, you are banned. Sadge...   You are now the problem of people that don't even care. Continue with your empty threats. I am done with this bullshit.  
    • @Mobius Your words are fantastic; I've never seen so much crap come out of just one mouth. Every time you try to explain yourself, you show even more that you're nothing but a natural-born scammer, a deceiver of innocent people.    -  worst part isn’t even that... You go and buy a project that’s supposedly sold as 'premium,' paying several dollars or euros for crappy code made by his friends. Then, after 2 or 3 days, the fixes are leaked by those same friends. There’s a rumor that this is done on purpose so that newcomers keep buying and continue being scammed. That might be a lie, but it could also be true. I prefer to believe it because there’s plenty of evidence against this lousy scammer.
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