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Hotelul Pentru Scriitori Netrebnici



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User: Pula Pizda.


Cleverbot: Mmph?! Mmph!!


User: Sugi pula bine?


Cleverbot: Ce nu e bine :-s?


User: Cum o sugi?


Cleverbot: Cu tine.


User: Pula mea?


Cleverbot: Bag pula in tine!

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User: Who am I?


Cleverbot: Cleverbot lol.


User: Where am I from?


Cleverbot: You are from Germany, remember?


User: And what's my name?


Cleverbot: Do you have a name?


User: You should tell me.


Cleverbot: Hi you should tell me.


User: No you should.


Cleverbot: *sleeps on the floor*.


User: ZzZzZ.


Cleverbot: 100 ways to.


User: 1001 nights.


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: No.


Cleverbot: Yes yes.


User: No No.


Cleverbot: No yes.


User: Fuck YOU!


Cleverbot: No I is sad.


User: Learn english BOT!


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Lmao idiot.


Cleverbot: Have you talked to anyone famous lately?


User: I've talked with Jesus Christ. And you?


Cleverbot: Oh really? I'm 25 and single.


User: I'm 12 and I'm a girl. And you are pedobear?


Cleverbot: Games ruin your life. Never play games. Always be serious.


User: An example is finito.


Cleverbot: On how you confuse me, i'm new to this site.


User: When did you registered?


Cleverbot: In 1969.


User: And you are new? Liar.


Cleverbot: What is your IQ?


User: Higher then yours and then 80% of MxC people.


Cleverbot: Unfortunately, I do not know my IQ. Can you tell me yours?


User: 1.


Cleverbot: No.


User: No what?


Cleverbot: You.


User: I'm not?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Yes or not?


Cleverbot: No.


User: Fuck off! I'm outta here.


Cleverbot: You're leaving?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: Then goodbye, close this window.


User: Okay then, see ya bot.


Cleverbot: I'm sorry, come back.


User: No I'm going now!


Cleverbot: It's mass is 7 1/7ths sun.

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