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Hotelul Pentru Scriitori Netrebnici



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User: You like to talk with me ?


Cleverbot: Yes I do.


User: Tiganeasca stii ?


Cleverbot: Estou dizendo o portugu*s agora!!


User: Nu portugheza ba! Tiganeasca nu stii ?


Cleverbot: Do you have more and more?


User: Ofcourse I do.


Cleverbot: What is your name?


User: Cristy , your ?


Cleverbot: Awesome. I'm bob.


User: Oh .. I thought you are a girl.


Cleverbot: I am a man.


User: You're gay ?


Cleverbot: How did you Know?


User: I don't know .. Be right back.


Cleverbot: No you wont!


User: I'.


Cleverbot: What does that mean?


User: I wanted to say I'm back , but I misstyped.


Cleverbot: I still don't understand that, lmaoo. So, do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?


User: I have a girlfriend , you ?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Yes what ? You have a girlfriend or a boyfriend ?


Cleverbot: I don't have a boyfriend.


User: But you said you're gay.


Cleverbot: No I didn't.


User: Yea you did.


Cleverbot: Um no I did not!




Still thinking


Si nu mai zice nimic :)))))

mi s-a intamplat si mie sa se blocheze :))
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Cica o dat Stancu gol pentru galata :D







se strange adena pentru pliku, trimiteti mie sau lui


si asa suntenti plini de adena

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