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Hotelul Pentru Scriitori Netrebnici



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sa termin inca un L2 web psd si ma bag si eu la cs.


"citeste-ne genele, dezechilibru germene din entitati gemene ce-ncep sa semene temere-n genere, legendele rele ce-si cer templele perene-n? eternele gemete, cu blesteme deci teme-te de tente demente, cand rasare atacu, ca-s tare dat dracu, cu nepasare-ti crap capu, vlastare cad acum, lasand sfere sterpe, n-aud strada cand cere jertfe, dupa scancete-ncepe sa le zboare sange din cefe, ai crancene cete , secte cu sete de secete , am sceptre sceptice intre cele 10 degete,?


cel mai rece rege ce trece de lege cert cere tacere in cer prin cerebel de neplacere incerc fost..


preot din cler..storc durere-n stern si otrava invart globu in cerc sil inec in cer si lava asa ca cine sapa cui groapa


rime crapa  mui, m-au stiut ca  asta nui joaca "


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so true

Fighter since StanMirel got smitted because he posted in GOST we changed a little the rules here..


[EN]Non Romanians are not allowed to post, so gtfo or you will be smited by Raule.  ;)


So if isn't something important don't make useless posts here..


nb all

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Fighter since StanMirel got smitted because he posted in GOST we changed a little the rules here.. So if isn't something important don't make useless posts here..


nb all

lasai ba ca asa am o pofta de report :))



btw C&R 







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