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L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: sido

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: mai e serveru on ?

Sido: nu

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: asa

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: poate inveti preteni tai sa vb frumos

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: apoi il poti tine on


Sido: da ce treaba am eu cu ei ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: pai u iai pus

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ca sa ma contacteze

Sido: pe care ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: sa vb urat

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: Aditzu

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ala

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: sau cum lo mai kema

Sido: pe aditu lam rugat sa ma ajute cu floodu

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: nu are ce face

Sido: ca pe el il mai cunosc ca developer

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: e mirc si la mirc nu ai protectie

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: man

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: daca vrei

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: facem ceva

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: daca vrei daca nu nu

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: imi dai gm si te mai ajut si la voturi

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: si la ppl

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ...

Sido: numi trebe voturi sau ppl

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: dar?

Sido: imi trebe un developer sa poata face tot ce am nevoie

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: si cam ce ai nevoie?

Sido: momentan vreau auguments retail like

Sido: bine augumenturile ca alea

Sido: as trece pe archid pack

Sido: si acolo e nevoie olimpiada refacuta

Sido: ca poti muri in ea


Sido: poti face asta  ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: daca vrei cunosc eu un preten bun

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: care  a facut lightnig

Sido: pai prin prietenu lu prietenu lu prietenu, asa am si eu prieteni care ma ajuta cand au timp

Sido: esti developer sau prieten de developer

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: man eu nu fac servere

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: eu doar le compilez

Sido: pai si atunci dc "te numesti " developer  ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: wa

Sido: da ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: eu ma l2matrix

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: am lucart ca compilator

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: adica

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: modificam unele kestii

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: facem bugurile

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: si alea

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: asta era acuma 1 ani si jumate cam asa

Sido: pai , ai zis ca faceati buguri, in oly e bug. mori in cu adevarat si poti da town si mai si castigi

Sido: poti fixa asta da/nu ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: depinde

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ala se fixeaza din java

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity is typing...

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: si java eu nu fac



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totusi, eu sunt in cautare de developer :)) cine vrea sa lucreze nonprofit doar pt un admin si lauri :)) datimi un PM.

vom avea si noi donatii mici.infime, si facem 50/50 .. adik eu o bere... tu o bere... si atat ca nu ne mai ajunge de alt cv :D

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L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 8:55:36 PM): facem bugurile

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 8:55:37 PM): si alea

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 8:55:42 PM): asta era acuma 1 ani si jumate cam asa

Sido (2/14/2010 8:56:25 PM): pai , ai zis ca faceati buguri, in oly e bug. mori in cu adevarat si poti da town si mai si castigi

Sido (2/14/2010 8:56:32 PM): poti fixa asta da/nu ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 8:56:54 PM): depinde

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 8:56:57 PM): ala se fixeaza din java

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 8:57:01 PM): si java eu nu fac

Sido (2/14/2010 9:04:45 PM): imi dai si mie programu ala mirc ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:05:04 PM): nu lol

Sido (2/14/2010 9:05:08 PM): de ce  ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:05:16 PM): cum sa til dua ma stai cuminte

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:02 PM): pai asteas programe nu se dau

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:05 PM): faci ff greu rost de ele

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:11 PM): pai nu ai cum sal fixezi

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:18 PM): ca mirc nu e cu l2

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:23 PM): MirC e ala care vb

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:39 PM): si de acolo se da flood

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:44 PM): il poti lua de pe google.ro

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:52 PM): intra pe google.

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:06:57 PM): si scrii mirc download

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:07:00 PM): si il iei de acolo

Sido (2/14/2010 9:07:07 PM): si cum dau flood cu el  ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:07:14 PM): astai treaba mea

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity (2/14/2010 9:07:17 PM): fiecare cu treaba lui ma

Sido (2/14/2010 9:07:23 PM): mda..

Sido (2/14/2010 9:07:28 PM): daca tu spui :/

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