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:y u no?:

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ba trebuie....nu ii vrei eutanasiati?dute si adopta-i pe toti..

e vina părinţilor că nu ştiu să aibă grijă de copilul lor nu a câinilor, nişte animale care deh, nu gândesc.

hai să omorâm tot ce respiră în jurul nostru acum.

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e vina părinţilor că nu ştiu să aibă grijă de copilul lor nu a câinilor, nişte animale care deh, nu gândesc.

hai să omorâm tot ce respiră în jurul nostru acum.

tot ce respira in jurul in nostru, nu te omoara...nu am vazut o pisica maidaneza care sa atace un om sau chiar sa-l ucida


iar persoanele ce ucid sunt bagate in puscarie deoarece legea nu permite pedeapsa capitala..ca daca ar fi permisa, cei pedepsiti cu 21+ ani de inchisoare, multi dintre ei ar fi supusi la acea pedepeasa si gata....in timpul in care traim, daca ii putem zice modern, daca ai ucis 1 persoana sau mult multe, esti bagat in inchisoare pentru un anumit timp de ani, maxim 25 cred.Daca fapta e foarte grava, dupa expirarea celor 25 de ani, persoana mai primeste inca o sentinta destul de lunga.Dar na, asa-i cu un om....un caine, ar trebui eutanasiat deoarece nu contribuie cu nimic in timp ce un detinut, este obligat sa munceasca in puscarie, deci ajuta societatea

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nici un deţinut nu este obligat să muncească .


şi nici toţi câinii maidanezi nu omoară copii.


legea nu permite pedeapsa capitală dintr-un anumit motiv, îl ştii.?


atâta timp cât avem conştiinţă şi suntem rasa dominată eu zic că avem obligaţia de a proteja şi ce este în jurul nostru. nu de alta dar nu cred că.poţi înţelege cum ar arăta o lume fără toate aceste lucruri minuscule ce, mai mult sau mai puţin, ne dăunează. au şi ele importanţa lor.

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eu nu vad rostul maidanezilor...fie ei caini/feline....nu sunt decat niste inutilitatii societatii, care nu pot fi controlate


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    • I don't care what these random rats are typing to me. I will ruin their business for scamming other people's work. I'm very good at it, no matter what protection or obfuscation they add to their files. I will break them and share everything for free with the community that's what they deserve.
    • Look are you crazy or dumb? yes, im aware of this post, but i have NOTHING to do with it! unfortunately, when people sent me this post i even thought it was strange, and when i downloaded the server and the files really are without any protection, what do you want me to do about it? the reality is that im not even up to date on anything about Lineage anymore... im doing my things peacefully, bothering nobody.. He is talking about me, this guy is saying im the one who leaked or anyhting
    • Ps: I do know the guy, talked with him before, a few friends have bought stuff from him in the past and never had any issue. But hey, It happend so I'm posting it here. If he somehow answers back and sends the interface I will delete this post. A few days ago he made contact with me saying he had interface 474 code to sell. And since I also develop interfaces, I was interested in buying.   He told me the price, said he only accepted advcash/volet. I asked if he had any other crypto wallet or paypal email. He said no. After a while, he came back with a paypal email, in which we sent the money. But since its a new account, paypal blocked it for safekeeping. After this, he returned the money and we went to check on how to make a advcash/volet account. After a bit, we successfully created a "volet" account and transferred the money to him in 2 parts. 5 EUR first to check if he received the correct amount and later the 595 remaining to complete the 600 EUR for the asked price of the interface code and editors for it. His last message was on the 25th of September saying he wasn't home. Haven't heard from him since. I asked a friend of mine if he was legit and if he worked far from home and he did confirm this for me. But still. I would at least expect him to keep in touch with me to update his whereabouts and saying if he would need more time to arrive home. Here are the screens with the full discord conversation:    
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