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[Trick] L2 Anonim Adena


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Hello guys when I was playing on L2 Anonim I found a bug to earn adena easily :D


Go to the NPC Dragonian and buy a Nightmarish tattoo. It costs 1kk.


Now sell it. You sell it for 2.6kk



Enjoy 8)

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again i cant understand ur bug.. since the server start u with full adena .. what do u need the 2kk?

it shows that you made 0 changes on the pre config pack. You still don't know to make those changes.

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again i cant understand ur bug.. since the server start u with full adena .. what do u need the 2kk?

buy scrolls and weapons when you run out of adena ?

PS : It started me with 600kk

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Lol its not hard to find these, buying things for 1kk and selling them for 2kk, wich doubles the prophet, its not very hard to understand, these bugs are all over private servers these days.

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