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Server Info

Exp : 100

Sp : 100

Adena : 500


Normal Ecnhant : 60%

Blessed Enchant : 85%


EnchantSafeMax = 3

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4


EnchantMaxWeapon = 20

EnchantMaxArmor = 20

EnchantMaxJewelry = 20


Npc Buffer = All Buffs ( Buff time 2H )

GK = Blobal Gk

Gm Shop = No-grade - S-grade ( Without S.A )

Class Changer



Our Site http://www.l2-newage.tk/



seems like an average server and i rlly admire your websites first text:


"The fact that you play on our server it's a privilege, not a right." - good one lol ^^, try it for moto maybe?



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