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A more concrete success of enchanting.


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check this one.

I wanna know what are those variables, are they just to proove the accuracy of their test? something like U need 23424242 test so you can say your results are right?


100.00 %

100.00 %

100.00 %

66.67 %

44.44 %

29.63 %

19.75 %

13.17 %

8.78 %

5.85 %


This is what l2wh wrote about succes rate. So bassically is not the same rate at +4 and +10. Sucks.


derf how many weps u enchanted before you acctually reached those stats and what is the rate of failure when using your method?

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Thats just math chance. Try spenfding more time in school instead of playing games:P

I have 14 years of school already and got to do 2 more till I finish my studies so please dont start flaming if u dont know anything about me. Also is not your concern how I spend my time in vacantion, if u dont like what we talk here you are free to go.


We dont study to much about match chance in school. We know the chance is just number of good possibilities/number of total possibilites. So if U role a dice the chance to show up the number "5" is "1/6" cause 1 case is favorable and 6 possible.

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I have 14 years of school already and got to do 2 more till I finish my studies so please dont start flaming if u dont know anything about me. Also is not your concern how I spend my time, if u dont like what we talk here you are free to go.


sry, no offence. But you did not understand a thing from what I wrote.:)

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Rate is 66% as far as I know. So chance for first failure is 44%, chance for second failure is 44% from 44% a chance for third failure is 44% from 44% from 44%.

So if you brake 2 things in a row, chance for third failure is about 8%. Study math a lil bit:)

of course I dont understand you cause there is no logic in this sentences. Please try to be more specific, not everyone got english as main language. still what you are saing here got no sense.


you`re saing you got 3 weapons.

1st weaopn enchant - 44% rate of boom.

2dn weapons enchant - 44%x44% rate thats like 20% chance of booming.


Well I dunno how you managed to get these results because I doubt l2 is calculating "this guy enchanted before and broke.. the poor guy, lets give him a bigger chance of succes now" 



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of course I dont understand you cause there is no logic in this sentences. Please try to be more specific, not everyone got english as main language. still what you are saing here got no sense.


you`re saing you got 3 weapons.

1st weaopn enchant - 44% rate of boom.

2dn weapons enchant - 44%x44% rate thats like 20% chance of booming.


Well I dunno how you managed to get these results because I doubt l2 is calculating "this guy enchanted before and broke.. the poor guy, lets give him a bigger chance of succes now" 


no it is not "this guy enchanted before..", but it's a pure math

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omg, for you 66% +44% = 100% ? not 110% ? kthnxbybye I see how much math you know.


:) well.. some ppl say it is 66 success, some say it is 44 failure:) But it is not about numbers, it is about logic:)

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is not what people are saing, you said "rate for succes is 66% so failure is 44" this is your own logic.


and give us a break with "if you broke 2 weaopns before your chance of breaking will be 33% from 33%" cause this means like 11% . So if you enchant once more and broke the chance for failure will be 33% from 11% thats like 3%. That means you will enchant succesfully for sure. Then how do you explain my friend broke 18 weapons in a row? you know if you divide one number many times eventually he will reach something very close to 0 (this is pure math too). 33% from 33% is 11% , 33% from 11% is 3%, 33% from 3%is 1%, 33% from 1% is 0.33%, 33$ from 0.33% is 0.11% so after 18 tries how the hell he succed to broke a weapon cause after your speculation he`s rate of failure would be 0,00001.


Is alot more probably the rate of failure is 33% no mather how many times u broke before. Hell, after how many weapons I broke I should have a rate of succes now of 99%.



The single thing I can belive is this chart :

+1  100.00 % 

+2  100.00 %

+3  100.00 % 

+4    66.67 % 

+5    44.44 % 

+6    29.63 % 

+7    19.75 % 

+8    13.17 % 

+9    8.78 % 

+10  5.85 %


this might be possible . if you enchant a weapon the rate to succed will degrease after each enchant. Is like the enchant rate of skills.



EDIT: if you look at these numbers you will see at +4 you got 66% chance of the +3. So is allways 2/3 smaller than before.

First was 66 from 100. that means 2/3. Then 44% and 66% that means again 2/3.


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Chill guys...

I've tested but didn't get much success, like 50 ewc and not even 1 +10 weapon, maybe I'm just bad a timing or bad luck..

I won't talk about numbers, math or logic here.. :P


Btw derf, you triple posted back there.. use the 'modify' more often please.. :)

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although i can't answer all these questions at once, ill be little broad in what im gonna say. from a scientific and mathematical way it is based on logic and experiment. i told o couple of ppl about this in irc, people that i know...at least, and it rarely worked for them too. i mean, maybe im just INSANELY lucky or they didn't take my technique seriously or...the directions were just not followed. although this is not 100percent, it usually takes me about 3 tries. sometimes it never goes, especially when the server is flooded with people ( minor lags, packet drop? ) that would def. screw up this technique...maybe. but i live in the USA and the people i play with live in EUROPE. around my time, 8am, 9am...its 6 hours before EU. in my experienments, my chance of success is  A LOT lower during peak hours than when im in 9PM-12AM USA time ( which means its 3AM-6AM EU time). this also plays a major factor.

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