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[help] adding anti-phx to l2jarchid interlude



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Im a total noob and im trying to learn all about l2servers.

i was wondering how i can input anti-phx for my l2jarchid interlude server


thank you for taking ur time to help me

on source...

apply patch and you will be ok

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and you should get muted for stupid answers.



Well , you are total noob in L2J but i didn't think that you have shits in your head.


The reply that theend wrote , need JAVA KNOWLEDGE.


And since you are total noob in L2J and in head , you can't do that.

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Well , you are total noob in L2J but i didn't think that you have shits in your head.


The reply that theend wrote , need JAVA KNOWLEDGE.


And since you are total noob in L2J and in head , you can't do that.


who said that i dont have any knowledge of java?

u think anyone with knowledge of java can just pop up from nowhere and sit behind h is computer and

compiled l2j server without help? then your on thin ice.


Think before you respond.

now i dont care if u got 1.8k bbla bla posts, prob 70% are crap.


so insted of beeing sucha ignorant a.., you could actually help people insted of spamming.


Keep in mind that you are in [Request] Dev Help [L2J] En


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And yes omega , i'm not spamming.


Look what you are saying :



Im a total noob and im trying to learn all about l2servers.



who said that i dont have any knowledge of java?



If you had java knowledge you wouldn't post this.



i was wondering how i can input anti-phx for my l2jarchid interlude server


I think that i'm clear since i quoted what you wrote.


And guess what .. i'm not the only one.


if you little learn java and how to use eclipse you add phx protection =))

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Its because people need to learn how to read and get facts before posting bs.


Im a total noob and im trying to learn all about l2servers.


you just quoted what i said and u say "look what you said" ?

i mean Try to focus at the same time ur reading.


It clearly states that im A noob with L2servers, There is no Java mentioned.

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Play with phx a bit (there's plenty of guides in the forum), do some research, understand how it works. Trace down the "weak spot" in the  source code, use your i-can-compile java knowledge to fix that "hole". And remember that there is no 100% cure. So keep your eyes open, use your head, do a lot of testing and you'll be relatively safe. Good luck!

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You can't add Anti-phx in any Pack L2J. You can add protections for some packets / scripts, and that's all. First of all Learn compile, seach in MxC ( anti-phx enchant, anti-phx announe, or in other forums too ). Take the patch ( learn what patch is ) and then add it manually ( by hand ).

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some link to the code they have to imput for phx protection? is easy to use eclipse, just give the code link


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