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L2Jserver Compiled Revisions - High Five (Beta & Stable)

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Update with L2jServer BETA 8802 on April 28

Fixed in this BETA:     

- Ill post changelog later.


okay thanks dude, didnt mean to offend you or anything you doing a great job. Keep it up aprichate all your work. Cant wait for another stable release and a upgrade guide from this stable to next :D

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The difference between Unstable and Stable is cause on unstable svn's are commited New Features what need Testing and Feedback.

Have Fun.

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Changelog for Rev 8802:     

- BETA: Color for Master Access Level is 00CCFF.

- BETA: Replaced negateId with negateAbnormals in skills to match retail, and some more XSDs fixes.

- BETA: Fixed XSDs from [8795] & [8798].

- BETA: Moved 20120428 SQL Update to maintenance, because should be executed only one time manually by server admins, not in every update or it will screw all GM Access Levels.

- BETA: DP-Part for ​[L5293]

  Also Added new command script_unload id / script name

- BETA/OTHERS: Minor Changes in the Builders for Ant Zip Task.

- BETA: Enchant Routes for "Resist Earth" skill (thanks Battlecruiser), also fixed operateType.

- BETA: Support for Fishing Rods by nonom

    - Reeling and Pumping now get a proper damage per rod type.

    - Refactorized a couple of names* and added some javadocs.

    - Rewrited the method getFishingRod() thanks Zoey.

    - Reviewed the damage formula.

    - Improved penalty damage by Expertise skill, now is exactly 5 percent instead a fixed value.

- BETA: Faenor Engine rework (Thanks Tukune)

    - Removing zip support

    - Source format/cleanup

  Note: Requires DP Update

- BETA: AllianceInfoPacket? thanks afk5min

- BETA: Updating Party Matching system (Thanks to Tryskell and Gnacik)

  Also cleaned Packet handler from packets that should not be there and added some missing ones.

- BETA: Removing uselss data restore during \reload npcId <id> only Quests are enough

  - Also more FastList? => ArrayList?

  - And log.cfg update for [5291]

- BETA: Formatting:

    - Login server.

    - Status.

    - Tools

    - Util.

  Note: For those that will get conflicts with this changeset, think about it as one time trouble.

- BETA: Updating unloading method of Quest class

        - Now it will unload all quest events from L2NpcTemplate

        - Reworked many FastList/FastMap? to ArrayList/HashMap? where synchronization isn't required.

        - Reworked L2NpcTemplate

- BETA: EnchantItemTable? rework:

        - Renamed to EnchantItemData?

        - Using DocumentParser?

        - Using HashMap? instead of Troove map

        - Simplify loading methods

        - Removing double log in EffectHandler?

- BETA: Log classes rearranging and formatting.

- BETA: Misc fixes:

        - NPE vulnerability:

            - ValueSortMap?, suppressed for now.

            - L2Attackable

            - NpcBufferTable?

- BETA: Administration rework:

    - AdminTable? now contains:

        - GmListTable?

        - AdminCommandAccessRights?

        - AccessLevels?

    - Moved access_levels and admin_command_access_rights into data/accessLevels.xml, adminCommands.xml

    - Changed access levels now full root access level is 8 so 127 is no longer valid!

    - Replacing some FastList/FastMap? with ArrayList/HashMap? where synchronization isn't required in:

        - L2Character

        - L2World

- BETA: Misc fixes:

        - NPE vulnerability:

            - L2FortSiegeGuardAI

            - NpcBufferTable?

            - TerritoryWarManager?, not fixed, it should be managed in other way, check TODO task.

            - PcStatus?, rewrite is probably needed.

            - L2Character, _skills should be moved to FastMap? probably.

            - TvTManager

            - PcInventory?

            - AutoSpawnHandler?

            - RequestDuelStart?

            - FloodProtectedListener?, formatted.

            - SpringUtilities?, probably needs rewrite, should be simplified.

            - BaseGameServerRegister?

        - NPE vulnerability fixed using ARM:

            - Config

- BETA: Misc fixes:

        - Potential NPEs fixed using ARM

            - Announcements

            - GeoEngine?

            - CrestCache?, Unhardcoded Filters.

            - DoorTable?

            - UITable

            - FortSiegeManager?

            - SiegeManager?

            - GeoPathFinding?

            - L2ScriptEngineManager, FileOutputStream? creates the file if not present, is not required to check and create.

            - JarClassLoader?

            - L2LoginServer

            - GameStatusThread?

            - LoginStatusThread?

            - Base64

            - Log

        - Potential NPEs fixed in other way:

            - L2ControllableMobAI

            - PostBBSManager

            - L2EffectZone

            - RequestGMCommand

            - BlowFishKey?

            - DBInstallerConsole

        - Avoiding FastList/FastMap? where synchronization is not required:

            - SkillTreesData?

            - UITable

            - TerritoryWarManager?

            - L2CastleMagicianInstance

            - L2FishermanInstance

            - L2FortSupportCaptainInstance

            - L2NpcInstance

            - L2PcInstance

            - L2TrainerHealersInstance

            - L2TransformManagerInstance

            - L2VillageMasterInstance

            - Castle

            - Fort

        - Simplified code:

            - ConditionPlayerCanSweep?

            - Castle

            - DBInstallerConsole

            - Base64

        - Flagging code that need to be rewritten:

            - L2Attackable

- BETA: Minor Changes in the Builders for Ant Zip Task.

- BETA: Formatting Multisell related classes and minor changes.

- BETA: Misc fixes:

        - L2DatabaseFactory addressing the Double-Checked Locking problem.

            - ​Double-checked locking: Usage in Java

            - ​Double-Checked Locking

        - SevenSigns? writing to static field from instanced method.

        - SevenSignsFestival? unnecessary Math operation, NPE vulnerability.

        - Territory writing to static field from instanced method.

        - GeoEditorListener? writing to static field from instanced method.

        - HandysBlockCheckerManager? incorrect lazy initialization.

        - MercTicketManager? incorrect lazy initialization (double check and lock).

        - RaidBossSpawnManager? NPE vulnerability.

        - TerritoryWarManager? unnecessary Math operations.

        - WalkingManager? NPE vulnerability, shouldn't continue if document couldn't be parsed.

        - L2Character:

            - Addressing the Double-Checked Locking problem.

                - _attackByList

                - _chanceSkills

            - NPE vulnerability.

        - L2ClanHallDoormenInstance addressing the Double-Checked Locking problem.

        - L2PcInstance:

            - Addressing the Double-Checked Locking problem.

                - _teleportWatchdog

                - _notifyQuestOfDeathList

            - NPE vulnerability.

            - Unnecessary Math (should have been removed in [5268]).

        - L2TamedBeastInstance writing to static field from instanced method.

        - Castle NPE vulnerability.

        - L2SkillSummon unnecessary Math.

        - L2EffectZone addressing the Double-Checked Locking problem.

            - _task

            - _skills

        - CharacterRestore? exception not thrown.

        - RequestReplySurrenderPledgeWar? NPE vulnerability.

        - RequestRestartPoint? NPE vulnerability.

        - TaskManager? implements equals(Object) but not hashCode().

        - Point3D if set method is synchronized then get method should be synchronized.

        - GameServerRegister? NPE vulnerability.

        - LanguageControl? NPE vulnerability, now using ARM.

        - LocalizationParser? NPE vulnerability.

        - Base64 NPE vulnerability.

        - BaseRecievePacket? NPE vulnerability.

        - ​DateFormat is not thread-safe

            - ItemAuctionInstance? DateFormat? shouldn't be static, it's not thread safe.

            - FaenorParser? DateFormat? shouldn't be static, it's not thread safe.

            - GMAudit DateFormat? shouldn't be static, it's not thread safe.

            - Note: If the performance drops (memory leaks), FastDateFormat? from Apache Commons Lang could be used which is thread-safe.


  • Thanks 1
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Update with L2jServer BETA 8804 on May 1

Fixed in this BETA:     

- BETA: Improvements for "database_installer.sh" (thanks nonom for testing), also some updates for "database_installer.bat".

- BETA: A minor typo fix for [5292]

- BETA: Targetable by default

- BETA: Implementing the rest of isTargetable thanks VlLight?

  Also a little bit cleanup.

- BETA: Formatting:

        - Server class.

        - L2DatabaseFactory formatting and JavaDocs?.

- BETA: Formatting:

    - Pathfinding related classes.

    -Script related classes.

    -Scripting related classes.

    - Faenor related classes.

    - Scriptengine (listeners) related classes.

    - Security related classes.

    - Game server util related classes.

  Note: As I said in previous commits, think about this formatting like one way ticket, and patches will be more readable and cleaner in future.

- BETA: Misc fixes:

        - Minor typo fix from [5284], thanks tukune for report.

        - Missing formatting in ConditionTargetWeight?, now all conditions are formatted.

        - More JavaDocs? fixes in Quest related classes by jurchiks!

- BETA: Increasing known list for walker npcs to prevent from seeing them on wrong positions or not seeing them at all.

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    • the links are offiline, could you reupload them please, if you have other versions of h5 or c6 could you share them too, thanks!
    • Good afternoon everyone, we’ll get a couple of strong players in the CP, more details can be found here https://mw2.community/topic/211276-awr-team/  
    • so i bought this crap of the server few years back and i just found it laying around on my pc and i thought i should share it, if i remember correctly this crap has a lot of bugs that people abuse 🙂   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QWg8pi4BPbGbTmlygZ078LjL6Fb0J2a/view?usp=sharing source   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QWg8pi4BPbGbTmlygZ078LjL6Fb0J2a/view?usp=sharing system    
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    • Since last massive leak as explained as 07/09 (notably all development branches), I don't accept anymore financial newcomers that easily. People will have to contribute 100 cookies worth of contributions (bug reports/fixes) as a first step to be accepted as Donator. Free user can join after sharing over 200 cookies out of contributions, compared to 100 cookies before. You can say thanks to RusAcis, and notably his worthless leader, UnleashedForce. The size of users will continue to shrink if more leaks occur, until true helpers only will be left. New prices are as following : Joining price: 200€ + 100 cookies, or 200 cookies This fee has to be paid if you are joining aCis project. Next month, and all other months, you will have to donate only basic monthly donation. Monthly price: 10€ / 10 cookies This fee has to be paid every month. I won't accept any new join fee before the 100 cookies contribution. Your money will be instantly sent back. Also, in the same shape of idea, actual supporters/donators have to be active to stay in sources. It doesn't have to be a particular amount, you just have to share from time to time *anything*. I don't accept anymore silent ppl. Only useful people will be kept.
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