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L2Jserver Compiled Revisions - High Five (Beta & Stable)

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L2jServer BETA 8559 Changelog                 

- BETA: Some methods of NpcTable? (like getAllOfLevel, getAllMonstersOfLevel, etc..) can use now more then one parameter.

- BETA: Enchant system rework max enchant and enchant rate are moved from configs to DP (dist/game/data/enchantData.xml)

- BETA: Support for effect ManaHealByLevel?

- BETA: Archer's AI Update now monster have to run away from target not randomly thanks Tryskell

- BETA: Removing duplicated effect CombatPointHeal? and renaming CombatPointHealOverTime? to CpHealOverTime?

- BETA: Updating HEAL skills, to use effects.

- BETA: Fix for Target Handler One, should fix Touch of Life and similar skills by malyelfik.

- BETA: Items name trim

- BETA: Updating HEAL_STATIC skills, to use effects.

- BETA: Item updates:

  Updated all item names

  Added missing items from last update

- BETA: Updating MANA_BY_LEVEL skills, to use effects.

- BETA: Adding all missing handlers by malyelfik

- BETA: Quest It Smells Delicious(252) Html update.

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The minimum specification to run the server is?


My computer specification.

Intel Dual-Core.

CPU E5400 2.70GHz (2CPUs).

Ram 3072MB.

Win 7 32 Bit.


Can I do? 


(Not good at English.)  ...Thank you

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The minimum specification to run the server is?


My computer specification.

Intel Dual-Core.

CPU E5400 2.70GHz (2CPUs).

Ram 3072MB.

Win 7 32 Bit.


Can I do? 


(Not good at English.)  ...Thank you

for testing only or want players on it?

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you can run it but don't know how many players u can have without lag to start since i never tried to run l2 server on low config.

A friend of mine have this config and have ~1000 players.

CPU: i7-980X Extreme 3.33GHz

RAM: 16GB 1333Mhz

SSD: 3 x 120GB

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Update with L2jServer BETA 8565

Fixed in this BETA:                   

- BETA: Cleanup and code format for HelperBuffTable?.

        Fixed typo in logger.

- BETA: L2AttackableAI fix:

        Fixed short/long range skills mapping.

        Proper logger for L2AttackableAI and L2ControllableMobAI.

        Thanks pmq, dljac, UnAfraid? for report.

        Fox for #5781

- BETA: Datapack code refactoring:

        Removed "Loaded quest ...", with 600 quest this will be more likely spam.

        Changed getQuestItemsCount(itemId) == 0 and getQuestItemsCount(itemId) < 1 for !st.hasQuestItems(itemId).

        Changed getQuestItemsCount(itemId) > 0 and getQuestItemsCount(itemId) >= 1 for st.hasQuestItems(itemId).

        Changed st.getState() != State.COMPLETED and st.getState() == State.COMPLETED for !qs.isCompleted() and qs.isCompleted() respectively.

        Added some JavaDocs? to event mods and minor code improvement.

        Changed switch statements with one case for if statement.

        Changed takeItems(itemId, st.getQuestItemsCount(itemId)) for takeItems(itemId, -1) where it was possible.

        Changed for(int npcId : NPCIDS) addKillId(npcId); for addKillId(NPCIDS); can be done in more places.

        Unhardcoded class Id in Q401_PathToWarrior.

- BETA: Olympiad quests typo fix thanks jurchiks.

- BETA: Tower of Naia typo fix

- BETA: Olympiad quests update thanks jurchiks

- BETA: Quest 453 Not Strong Enough Alone by malyelfik

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