xepimetheus Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 L2CraftManager Custom NPC instance, can: - show information about materials needed to craft item; - craft items for players, player must have recipe and all materials; - break items to crystals. Who need this? - low population servers, where dwarves are bored to play; - PvP servers, where crafting excluded; - with disabled craft, crystallize future - its good online helper about materials. You can customize it by your needs: - manager can only show information about crystal count or materials needed to craft item; - common or dwarven craft can be strict; - price of crystallize and manufacture can be changed in accordance with your server rates. What is in archive: - java source, must be place in gameserver/model/actor/instance - default properties, must be in you server config folder - example html,must be in default folder, and sql (maybe u'll need to correct the npc id to proper one) - example screens of craft/crystallize menu V4 - fix for error while 'BreakItem' bypass after - additional check for hero items added V3 - fix for consumable items craft - additional fix for material consume, dependet on server craft rates - litl typo fix V2: - html messages about lack of adena/materials/items - crystillize menu reworked to fancy one with checkboxes =) - small code clean up. Download:http://www.4shared.com/file/189465638/87970af2/CraftManagerV4.html [move]Credits:G1ta0[/move If Arleady Posted Lock My Topic ;D
mechawk Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 Hi, Sounds great, hope to see some screen shots soon :). Can it be used on L2J Server Interlude? Also is there a way on 60% recipes after 4 trys on the same item that you recieve the item or get a ticket. To then trade it in to get the item you where trying to craft? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
Neo1993k Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 thix for bufer This is no buffer!! Noob Btw... Nice Share Sinok and good job! THANKS
DāЯқŜiĐє Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 downloading and testing in few min ! Thnks a lot
CriticalError Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 well thanks for share Sinok, think is a russian program i get this long time but don't remember much anyway ty
kamikazi Posted January 13, 2010 Posted January 13, 2010 nc share but Give some Screen shots i want to know!!!
mackry Posted January 14, 2010 Posted January 14, 2010 So, I've tried updating the imports for L2J Gracia Final, but I'm getting errors for L2FolkInstance, could anyone inform me on this, and maybe a fix? Thanks
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