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Me , Krash and Ventic would you play on L2Prof? [Comment]

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the team isnt pro?you know my knowpledge and speak?


So, you're pro ? (At least you call yourself like that). Intresting... When server opens (if it opens) i will log in to see your pro skills in developing :)

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i don't think that is a good idea to make a server like this


i mean the features reminds me something like core without customs and with too big xp rates


can i suggest something?? make a server like TheGame with a mid rate xp nice adena drop rates, the most classes were balanced and to make only one custom armor like death whisper with big farm and leave the weapons as they are, i mean no custom weapons. This would be a good idea i think and you will grow big community. Also, if you make a server don't make it the next week. Make the server, search whole mxc for bug,hacks,tricks and fix all of them and i think that then you will surely success. Believe me and i will start again for sure l2 again.


Ahhh, and make a lot of advertise first. Go to other cheating forums like mxc and advertise it or to friends via msn, fb and other.

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