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[Share] My First Weapon Forgotten Blade + Stats[Gracia Final]

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Hello Guys i make a weapon Forgotten Blade and is the first Share !!!!


look isn't very good but is ok i thing








And i make a guide for give in weapon stats

go to  l2-jserver/Gameserver/Data/stats/weapon and open the weapon you need


my weapon xml is this


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<item id="99887" name="Black Forgotten">


   <set val="246" order="0x08" stat="pAtk"/>

   <set val="132" order="0x08" stat="mAtk"/>

   <set val="12" order="0x08" stat="rCrit"/>

   <add val="-3" order="0x10" stat="accCombat"/>

   <set val="433" order="0x08" stat="pAtkSpd"/>

   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pAtk"/>

   <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="mAtk"/>







take this


   <add val='177' order='0x10' stat='maxCp'/>      for Cp

   <add val='370' order='0x10' stat='maxHp'/>      for  Hp

   <add val='500' order='0x10' stat='maxMp'/>      for  Mp

   <add val='190' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>      for  p.def

   <add val='20' order='0x10' stat='mDef'/>      for  m.def

   <add val='50' order='0x10' stat='pAtkSpd'/>      for  atk.speed

   <add val='14' order='0x10' stat='runSpd'/>      for  speed

   <add val='190' order='0x10' stat='pAtk'/>      for  p.atk

   <add val='35' order='0x10' stat='rEvas'/>       for  evasion

   <add val='120' order='0x10' stat='mAtkSpd'/>      for  matk.speed

   <add val='60' order='0x10' stat='mAtk'/>     for  m.atk


one line  or two and put in xml is very easy and i think you don't want SS



Cya Guys wait for my next share  :D




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And here We have...Next Forgotten Blade...We have thousand of them...With different (shity) color  :(

Try something else. It's Your first share, but try to be more original  :)


Thx, and cya

ok man thnx i try cya
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