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[Guide][L2j] More than 2 rep points per kill

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                   if (getClan().getReputationScore() > 0) // when your reputation score is 0 or below, the other clan cannot acquire any reputation points

                ((L2PcInstance) killer).getClan().setReputationScore(((L2PcInstance) killer).getClan().getReputationScore() + 2, true);

                   if (((L2PcInstance)killer).getClan().getReputationScore() > 0) // when the opposing sides reputation score is 0 or below, your clans reputation score does not decrease

                    _clan.setReputationScore(_clan.getReputationScore()-2, true);



Actually where is 2 is the amout of rep points/kill . :)

Change 2 with your number and it is done :P


Credits: me

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