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[Signs] HellGate Inside -GIFTS-


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Hello again my Haterz :P


So i present u a small ugly (100%) gift for MasterDisaster


Here You Are: (the action counts right?)




and one gift for me :D




rate plx :P

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O.o thanks Sofi!

Fortunately there are some good people here.

thanks for the gift.I like it but it could be colored :D

But its style is unique and that makes it what we call SIGNATURE!!

Thanks again :D

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O.o thanks Sofi!

Fortunately there are some good people here.

thanks for the gift.I like it but it could be colored :D

But its style is unique and that makes it what we call SIGNATURE!!

Thanks again :D


hope you like it xD


cause you are the most tough guy here to find what he really wants for sign and style xD

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hope you like it xD


cause you are the most tough guy here to find what he really wants for sign and style xD

Am I?If you say so...

Anyway your sub-text on your sig really inspired me!

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wow! Amazing! I like the first one a lot! It's like he get out of a fire and his jacket is hot and have smokes! Give me the psd please


well about the 1st one i dont have it anymore XD


just to make this effect do the following:


copy the render

resize it a bittttt more than normal


go to filter discort ripple about 350px

then press ctrl + f more 2 times and TARA fire effect


then take some some brushes and ready :P

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well about the 1st one i dont have it anymore XD


just to make this effect do the following:


copy the render

resize it a bittttt more than normal


go to filter discort ripple about 350px

then press ctrl + f more 2 times and TARA fire effect


then take some some brushes and ready :P



Ctrl+F what is it doing? Repeat your last move?


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Ctrl+F what is it doing? Repeat your last move?


Not your last move(action) but the repeats the application of the last filter that you used...

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