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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2-Rivals


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Hey you guys, I was searching for a server and i found this really good IL server.

I searched but I didn't found it in this section. I hope you like it.

Site: http://l2rivals.com



Lineage ][ Chaotic throne. (Interlude)


Server rates:


* EXP : 200x.

*SP : 200x.

*DROP 5x.

*SPOIL 5x.

*ADENA 500x.

*Safe enchant 3.

*Max enchant 16-20(With Normal Scrolls +16).


' *Max enchant 20(With Blessed Scrolls +20).



Server Features:


* Max level is 80.

* If you find a bug, you should immediately contact a staff member.

* Hero System and retail like Hero skills ( available on main class only).

* Retail like Noblesse System with less farming.

* The third Caradine's letter is selling at shop.

* Increased Barakiel level to ( 80) .

* Spawn time of Barakiel has been set to ( 3 hours )



Interlude Olympiad system:


* Restarting when having the count down is considered as a tie, you lose 1/3 of your points. And your opponent may register again without having to restart.

* Both opponents lose 1/3 of their points on a tie.

* You need at least 10 fights with 1 win to become a hero of your class.

* You will not be able to sign up in the olympiad games during siege times.

*Olympiad period is weekly (new heroes every week) from 20:00 02:00 GMT+1.



Clan reputation:


* When a Hero is nominated, his clan receives 1000 Reputation Points.

* When a member of the academy successfully completes the 2nd class transfer, the clan receives 400 Reputation Points..

* A clan can also obtain reputation points by killing level 70+ raid bosse.


Other features:


* Elven Ruins is our solo farming zone.

* Dragon Valley Cave Fortress is our party farming zone.

* Spawn Protection.

* Global Gatekeepers and NPC buffers.

* Duel System.

* Cursed Weapon System. (Zariche and Akamanah).

* Working Clan System.

* Augmentation System.

* 24 Buff slots.

* Debuff slots.

* 1hours buff times.

* Free Subclass.

* Properly Geodata.

* Custom RaidBosses.

* Blue Rival TokensYou need Them For buy Jewels S grade(300).

* Green Rival TokensYou need Them For buy Armor S grade.

* Red Rival TokensYou need Them For buy Weapon S grade.

* Rival GemsYou need Them For Accesories.

* Rival GoldYou can Buy Blessed Scrolls and add SA on your Weapon.

* Mana pots 200 mp 15 per second.

* Anti Buff Shield. (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs).

* A Class Changer can be found at Giran to change your 1st, 2nd and 3rd class.

* Giran is our main town.

* We have 1 custom shop.

* All items are sold on shops for adena except S grade which needs Rival GemStones.

* S grade's are craftable with Rival Tokens which can be farmed by drop in Elven Fortress.

*Auto learn skills.

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    • not just a waste of time ..even waste of money ...  
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    • //request   Can anyone rework this for aCis 401? personally, one of the best features to have in a L2 server.
    • i have this feature: https://prnt.sc/rD9BYOi7QPB6 there is edited interface and one dll to make it working.
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