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link verifyserver fail


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Im now using ogw 10.9.0 with waby. All is set in set ini.


I started the walkers 3 days ago, and everything worked fine. I logged in with them today (hibernate), worked. Now the server restarted, and the last 10 of 16 walkers relogged automatically, the others got link verifyserver fail. But with the last 10 walkers i still can relog without problem, the waby is working.

Then i started a new walker instance... link verify server fail.

Then i started it with xzCrk, and then its logged in.

I started an 10.8.8 walker too.. and it failed.


The same happens sometimes with xzcrk too if i use it. walker instances working for days, and then suddenly link verify server fail. Then i switch to waby and they work again.



The strange is that some walker instances logged in without problem, some got fail, but there is a more stranger thing... this happens not just with my walkers but sometimes with my friend's and clanmates's walkers in same time on other machines in other homes... How the fok this walker verify working, and how the crack? This is like an x file...

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