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[Bot/Release] WoW BOT (working)


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It is a program called mmo glider. Google it!

Normally you have to pay for it 25 dollar but someone released this with HIS own bought key in it and it will prolly not work anymore cuz they prolly banned the key ^^

And you can use it on Official and Private servers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NOD32 detected Virus.

I don't accually know if it is effected with one.

If somebody could make a Scan it would be really great.

I can't scan it 'cause i have Auto-Stoper for Viruses @ my NOD32.

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  • 2 months later...

exo katebasei pola gia oficial alla den moy doylebi tpt .....eisos den kano kati sosta ...an den sas kanei kopo stiltemoy help.....me bimata parakalo den eimai kai kalos sta pc :p efxaristo poli koygioy oleeee

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I use this bot and made many scans with several GOOD antiviruses (MKS Vir, Panda, Avast, Kaspersky, Ad-aware). Result: nothing. Ad-watch didn't find any suspect operations and trust me: it is really good for such things (real time protection). Better: my friends have this bot too (exactly the same) and they told me that never had any problems with it. And sorry, but I don't believe in 'suspect code-parts' (lol at name), cause it can be everything, not exactly virus.

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