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Now I'll show you how very easy you can make your own pk killer:


1. Find htm file of someone guard from folder gameserver->data->htm->guard. I'll choose Jenna (ID:30349)

2. Copy it.

3. Change it's content by following way:

<html><body>Sentry Jenna:<br> <--- Here is the name

I am Sentry Jenna. I am on duty now so I cannot talk long.<br>

If you go into this cave, you will come to the Dark Elf Village. The grand building you see in front of you is the Shilen Temple.<br> <--- this is the text that the npc will show you when you click on it.

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_TerritoryStatus">See the Lord and get the tax rate information.</a><br> <--- this is the teritory info, if you want delete it

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest">Quest</a> <--- this is for quest, delete it


4. Save it and set the name in that way: "the id you want.htm" (witchout the inverted commas)

5. Now if you were copied it to desktop or elsewhere move it to gameserver->data->htm->guard

6. Now, open Navicat--->table "npc" and find the row of the guard you were chose [in this case Jenna (ID:30349)]

7. Copy it.

8. Go to the last page of the table, make new row and paste it.

9. Make the cell of "id" tow to the same you were chose for name of the htm file form step 7.

10. If you don't want you PK Killer to look as a guard, find the id of the npc you want to look like and paste it to "template id" row.

11. On the rows "name" and "title" write whatever you want.

12. Find the rows "lhand" and "rhand", these are the IDs of the weapons of shields you want you pk killer to wear(for bow the same in at the both), you can find the IDs in the itemname-e.dat file in you system folder(must be patched)

13. Edit "p.atk", "m.atk", "atk_speed", "m.atk_speed", "run_speed", "walk_speed, "hp", "mp", "hp_regen", "mp_regen" on the max values.

14. Start the server.

15. Log into the game.

16. Write //spawn "the ID you were chose" (without the inverted commas) and you are ready!

17. If your PK Killer doesn't atack payers with karma, just edit the "aggression" row, from the table "npc" in Navicat.


I was tested it and it works perfectly!


Created by: delfin95 (pls if you copy it in other places put Credits)


*If you have any asks write here!* :)

*If I wrote something wrong in this guide pls tell me!* ;)


hmmm, litle guide, i have learned it by my self but thx anyways for saher u work :D (usefull for newby, but most of ppl prefer download id complete and copy p/paste xD)

  • 5 months later...

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