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[L2J] Eternal Network


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Server Web Site ?


I will quote myself here:

Our website is currently still under development but should be finished very soon!


Home Made server ?


Uhm yes, me and my team are coding from home.. (but the server is a dedicated one ofc..)


and Why NPC Buffer Have only PP Buff's :S


Well because we decided to serve it that way. :-)


Update: Topic updated (Homepage is ready now)!

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Server looks good mate BUT u need to change thouse 2 things:

1rst: Augument jewells.... (fully delete. seen it on a server and it failed)

2nd: Sub class certification system.. u want a pvp balanced server? Delete it! everyone will make BD and take the celestial shield passive skil and hit him for 50 dmg...)

Seen it on a server and failed...

Otherwise its well done.

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Server looks good mate BUT u need to change thouse 2 things:

1rst: Augument jewells.... (fully delete. seen it on a server and it failed)

2nd: Sub class certification system.. u want a pvp balanced server? Delete it! everyone will make BD and take the celestial shield passive skil and hit him for 50 dmg...)

Seen it on a server and failed...

Otherwise its well done.


Why shall I remove good retail features? Only because they "could" unbalance? Sorry but this is the game and I want the retail features to work as they should on my/our server and they do work as on retail (everything checked on retail) and I think everything is just fine but check it out yourself.. Maybe your last server with those features had custom values for those and this unbalanced everything..


the tittle is a little bit annoying.



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Yes its home be sure ;) for moments I cant move 10-15 sec


lol check your internet connection because im playing there too and everything is smooth, not like on the other noob servers out there. :D


Finally a team who knows one's craft.

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Yes its home be sure ;) for moments I cant move 10-15 sec


No, its not. Its a dedicated server and this delays never happened so I dont know what you are talking about. :S


Btw, a new GM was recruited who does daily events like "Simon says", "Russian Roullette", "Hide and Seek", "Kill the GM", "Find Apiga's in Town" and more! :D

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seems a good server, only prophet buff is fine, but you are forcing everyone to take their own buffers, 3 or 4 boxes per player, makes no sense.

instead give an boost to the BD and SWS so people can play those classes and reduce time of song/dances. or just remove it

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