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[Funny Trick]


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Well, while I was bored and had nothing to do, I found this funny trick.

It is not actually na exploit, it is a Lineage II Trick.





Well, I found this trick on a Human Mage Level 85 (works on other levels too), without any class transfers done (ex. Archmage)

I tested it on other chars like Human Fighter or Dark Elves and it worked there as well!


So, you will need the player, and a Vesper Pincer (a Vesper Weapon).

Do not try it with other weapons, since I did and nothing happened.



How To


You have three options.

The first one is to start running and then wear the weapon.

The second one, is to wear the weapon while standing still (simply not moving).

The last one, is to die while wearing it.





Well, if you did it in the first way, then your result will be a never-stopping player. What do I mean? I mean that your player won't stop running xD!

If you did it in the second way, then your character will start moving like a ghost!

And finally, if you did it in the third way, then you will see your character dead, the "to village" option, although your character will be standing still, like he's not dead =D



Removing the Effect


Well, it is very easy to remove this effect.

You just have to put off the weapon xD



Packs where it works


Well, I did this funny thing on L2jServer Gracia Final Pack, latest rev.

This means that it is quite good, since it is not an old, forgotten pack which isn't used by any servers.





Well, as you can see it is a simple funny tricky xD

I don't know if other players can see you moving like this, but, for sure, it is very funny =P




-Added a third option & result, which I just discovered.

-I tested it, and it works on other levels too (even on lvl 1), so good luck!

-Tested and works on other chars too! ex. human fighter/d elves!



So, goodbye everybody!

Best Regards,


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better to say unstoppable :D


It gets another meaning then.

I do not want to give it the overpowered meaning.

If you try it, you will understand what I mean.


God... u must be really bored!


Oh yes, I am ^^

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By the way guys, I tested it on other chars like human fighter or d elves and it worked!

So I suppose that you will have some fun xD

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Doesn't work on l2jfree (gracia final)... You don't meet the required condition to equip that item.


Human Mage Level 85 (works on other levels too), without any class transfers done


Are you sure u didnt change any classes?

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