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Γυμνάσιο κάτω απο 19,7 δεν έπεφτα, ασχέτως αν έγραφα χάλια στα κείμενα και στα αρχαία..(17-18), αλλά πέρσι 1η λυκείου έβγαλα 19 ακριβώς...(6 ώρες cs την ημέρα, τον Ιορδάνη απο τους βαθμούς τον κάνουν πέρα...)


egw den peira exoun katalhpsh apo oti ematha omws :P

emeis klisame gt eixame krousmata apo ti griph kai dn kaname polu mathima kai apla phgame kai pirame tous lenxous.

Ena krousma eimoun ki egw :P


Γυμνάσιο κάτω απο 19,7 δεν έπεφτα, ασχέτως αν έγραφα χάλια στα κείμενα και στα αρχαία..(17-18), αλλά πέρσι 1η λυκείου έβγαλα 19 ακριβώς...(6 ώρες cs την ημέρα, τον Ιορδάνη απο τους βαθμούς τον κάνουν πέρα...)


Πούλα και άλλο μούρη








Πούλα και άλλο μούρη








lol? dn ton pisteuis re? 0xa0a0ax ontos einai to pio koulo p exw akousi,

kala ama esi ebgales 19 stin proti likiou k epezes 6 wres cs egw pinw 2-3 redbull k petaw re afiste tis malakies .


Ontws mporei na ypervalete kai ligo..Egw meta ta xristougenna mias kai eimai lykeio alla exw parei skata va8mous sta diagwnismata (Biologia Genikis 8 , Xhmeia Genikis 9 kai astronomia (xaxa) 4,5..)


Πολύ σπουδαίο πράγμα οι βαθμοί... Ξεκολλάτε βρε ηλίθιοι από αυτά τα στερεότυπα που σας τάιζουν για να σας κάνουν κοτόπουλα .


:P mn ta les se emena pou dn ta pigenw kala gt exw alla pragmata pou me apasxoloun na ta les se autous pou skotwnontai sto diavasma pisteuontas tis mlkies oti meta sto panepistimio 8a ksekourastoune..Pff mpourdes to panepistimio einai 4-5 xronia kai meta ti??Molis bgoun eksw stin agora ergasias tote einai pou 8a frikaroun...


na ta les se autous pou skotwnontai sto diavasma pisteuontas tis mlkies oti meta sto panepistimio 8a ksekourastoune..Pff mpourdes to panepistimio einai 4-5 xronia kai meta ti??Molis bgoun eksw stin agora ergasias tote einai pou 8a frikaroun...

na fantasto esi pote dn eixes onira gia kati kalitero ?



:P mn ta les se emena pou dn ta pigenw kala gt exw alla pragmata pou me apasxoloun na ta les se autous pou skotwnontai sto diavasma pisteuontas tis mlkies oti meta sto panepistimio 8a ksekourastoune..Pff mpourdes to panepistimio einai 4-5 xronia kai meta ti??Molis bgoun eksw stin agora ergasias tote einai pou 8a frikaroun...


A και δηλαδή ο καλύτερος τρόπος αντιμετώπισης είναι το να μην διαβάζεις κατά την γνώμη σου. Epic fail

Και δηλαδή οι άλλοι κατά την γνώμη σου θα τελειώσουν το παν. και μετά όπως λες θα φρικάρουν, εσύ δηλαδή που δεν θα έχεις ούτε γνώσεις τι θα κάνεις;


Γυμνάσιο κάτω απο 19,7 δεν έπεφτα, ασχέτως αν έγραφα χάλια στα κείμενα και στα αρχαία..(17-18), αλλά πέρσι 1η λυκείου έβγαλα 19 ακριβώς...(6 ώρες cs την ημέρα, τον Ιορδάνη απο τους βαθμούς τον κάνουν πέρα...)

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    • I have this question.  Wich is the first byte?  
    • Works Sure of Intelude C6! This script is used to modify the login and game server ports inside engine.dll without requiring any changes in l2.ini. The modification happens directly within the binary data of engine.dll, ensuring that the client connects to the new ports.   Python Script:   import os # New Ports NEW_PORT_2106 = 8888 # Login Server 8888 NEW_PORT_7777 = 9999 # Game Server 9999 # Μετατροπή σε HEX (Little Endian) OLD_HEX_2106 = bytes.fromhex("3A 08") # 2106 NEW_HEX_2106 = NEW_PORT_2106.to_bytes(2, "little") OLD_HEX_7777 = bytes.fromhex("61 1E") # 7777 NEW_HEX_7777 = NEW_PORT_7777.to_bytes(2, "little") # DLL with open("engine.dll", "rb") as f: dll_data = f.read() # Replace dll_data = dll_data.replace(OLD_HEX_2106, NEW_HEX_2106, 6) dll_data = dll_data.replace(OLD_HEX_7777, NEW_HEX_7777, 8) # Save New DLL with open("engine.dll", "wb") as f: f.write(dll_data) print(" New DDL save as 'engine_patched.dll'") print(f" - Login Server Port: {NEW_PORT_2106} (Your New Port)") print(f" - Game Server Port: {NEW_PORT_7777} (Your New Port)") print(" Replace engine.dll with a new!") What This Script Does Defines New Ports Login Server: Changes the default port 2106 to 8888. Game Server: Changes the default port 7777 to 9999. You can change these values to any ports you want!  Converts Ports to HEX Format (Little Endian) 2106 → 3A 08 (old) → Converted to 8888 (22 22 in HEX). 7777 → 61 1E (old) → Converted to 9999 (0F 27 in HEX). Reads engine.dll Opens engine.dll in binary mode and loads its content. Replaces Old Port Values with the New Ones Finds hexadecimal values representing the old ports inside engine.dll and replaces them with the new ones. Replaces 6 occurrences of 2106 and 8 occurrences of 7777. Saves the Modified DLL Writes the updated data back into engine.dll, effectively patching it. Prints Confirmation Messages Confirms that engine.dll has been patched successfully. Displays the new port values.   No need to modify l2.ini since the changes are applied directly inside engine.dll. Works automatically without requiring manual editing of the client files. Ensures correct connection ports for the Lineage 2 client.   Run the script to patch engine.dll. Replace the old engine.dll with the patched one in the Lineage 2 system folder. Launch the client—it will now connect to the new ports (8888 for login and 9999 for game server).
    • I have much more than you think, when I see someone reselling my files, I will publish them as happened with the criminal Unklonsoldier (Mariano Canteros). gg ultra
    • Does anyone have the patch as they removed it? I want to take some features.
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