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I m here again cause i wanna server some core mods.

I found them on L2J Teon Pack.

I think its for IL the pack was IL.

The mods are based on Fortress Siege(Castle Like) and the Fort Siege event(L2 Pride also had it)


The .rar file includes html files with the guards and the npcs of the forts and the core mods for the siege and the fos event.

Also .sql files included.


Here is the file link 4 Shared


If you fix the fort siege i suggest you the Fortress and Castle Passive skill they also include core files etc.


For the HTML files the folder names is fortress,fortsiege and FortDoormen.

on Fortsiege create a new html file and name it 80100-busy then edit it and write this code:


<html><body>Oh! Our fort is being attacked and I can't do anything for you right now.<br>


For the FortDoormen create a new html and name it 5558 then edit it and write this code:


<html><body>All is well, my Lord.<br>
What is your command?<br>
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 105, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates5</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 104, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates4</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 103, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates3</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 102, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates2</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 101, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates1</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 106, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates6</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 107, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates7</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_open_doors 108, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Open the Fort Gates8</a><br>

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_close_doors 105, 19240007, 19240006, 19240008, 19240009">Close the Fort Gates</a><br>


/!\ If they are already shared plz post it!!!Or if this files must not be shared post it and i ll remove the topic A.S.A.P.


Hmm interesting i will test it, btw plz change the blue letters in another color because its a little bit confusing...


Thnx for the share

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