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[POLL]Who got bored of l2?


Why u got bored of l2?  

270 members have voted

  1. 1. Why u got bored of l2?

    • Too much farm
    • Same things to do day after day
    • Too much home hosted and kid's servers!
    • Different reason(Write it on a post)

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I've got few of reasons:


1/ Version became overdone after Kamael release.


2/ Too many of hopeless and idiotic servers.


3/ Many of good and known players left.


4/ At start it was fun playing it, but today it is more like a gamers' battlefield.


5/ Many bugs were discovered, and because of many fail servers beside the official one the bugs still work.


6/ The game became VERY EASY. The game has become incredibly Easy to play, because new addons were added, that make your game play easy, I played Lineage 2 since C1 and If I compare like C1 or C2 or C3 with today's clients, you wouldn't get for instance good gear in the game by performing same effort.



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I've got few of reasons:


1/ Version became overdone after Kamael release.


2/ Too many of hopeless and idiotic servers.


3/ Many of good and known players left.


4/ At start it was fun playing it, but today it is more like a gamers' battlefield.


5/ Many bugs were discovered, and because of many fail servers beside the official one the bugs still work.


6/ The game became VERY EASY. The game has become incredibly Easy to play, because new addons were added, that make your game play easy, I played Lineage 2 since C1 and If I compare like C1 or C2 or C3 with today's clients, you wouldn't get for instance good gear in the game by performing same effort.




+1... lmao you said exactly what im thinking.

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I've got few of reasons:


1/ Version became overdone after Kamael release.


2/ Too many of hopeless and idiotic servers.


3/ Many of good and known players left.


4/ At start it was fun playing it, but today it is more like a gamers' battlefield.


5/ Many bugs were discovered, and because of many fail servers beside the official one the bugs still work.


6/ The game became VERY EASY. The game has become incredibly Easy to play, because new addons were added, that make your game play easy, I played Lineage 2 since C1 and If I compare like C1 or C2 or C3 with today's clients, you wouldn't get for instance good gear in the game by performing same effort.





although there are quite many lowrate servers with big community but still..its boring to farm alone


i would start again if my old clan from l2forever would start somewhere. Im bored to play alone.

Although im gm on l2eminence and its quite boring to hear complains from like everyone.

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i dont get bored really of lineage i just get bored of human stupidity..lets say for example how they make a server...


1.choose chronicle

in this part most of them choose interlude even if they know that its the most bugged chronicle ever made so pointless to make a server with it but they do and a lot of player get disappointed by these servers



most of the server admins dont know how to make a server they just read a guide get a preconf pack and done so it makes the same as point 1.(thats mostly interlude again)



there are no interesting servers anymore nobody can find out really cool ideas and this makes the gameplay really boring sometimes


basically the interlude lovers destroy this game...interlude servers = 99% fail = players get disappointed from the game = they leave the game...


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i dont get bored really of lineage i just get bored of human stupidity..lets say for example how they make a server...


1.choose chronicle

in this part most of them choose interlude even if they know that its the most bugged chronicle ever made so pointless to make a server with it but they do and a lot of player get disappointed by these servers



most of the server admins dont know how to make a server they just read a guide get a preconf pack and done so it makes the same as point 1.(thats mostly interlude again)



there are no interesting servers anymore nobody can find out really cool ideas and this makes the gameplay really boring sometimes


basically the interlude lovers destroy this game...interlude servers = 99% fail = players get disappointed from the game = they leave the game...



1/ C1-Interlude clients were serious stuff for me, then the game lost its originality, diversity and differentness from the other games. It really used to be serious game. But now, running around in Lineage 2, seeing those cute little animal NPCs (which I HATE), this new faggy location (fantasy land is it? it has some weird name), all this cute stuff ruined the seriousness of the game. But this is not the only reason why I don't like the new clients, you must agree that game became much EASIER.


2/ But it's not their fault, I hate it so much, but still I realize that it's fault of providing Lineage 2 in Java language. If it didn't happen, there would be just official and worthy servers.


3/ Agreed.

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Only two words for ya! IT SUCKS!


lets give and some reasons:


~Kamael and after clients arent l2 anymore!

~Many noob servers!

~And because i bored all MMORG games!


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1/ C1-Interlude clients were serious stuff for me, then the game lost its originality, diversity and differentness from the other games. It really used to be serious game. But now, running around in Lineage 2, seeing those cute little animal NPCs (which I HATE), this new faggy location (fantasy land is it? it has some weird name), all this cute stuff ruined the seriousness of the game. But this is not the only reason why I don't like the new clients, you must agree that game became much EASIER.


2/ But it's not their fault, I hate it so much, but still I realize that it's fault of providing Lineage 2 in Java language. If it didn't happen, there would be just official and worthy servers.


3/ Agreed.


1.yes i need to agree it was a lot harder BUT you need to agree that the client since hellbound focus on combat not on the pve part much more changes are done for a better pvp part with less pve even if i like to do some quests and farm exp have nice exp partys etc etc i admit that i like pvp much more


2.no its not true to be honest l2j provide much more feature than l2offmod the only part where l2offmod is better is the pathfinding and thats all,basically java is fine easy to costumize and easy to implement things what i wanted to say is if you even dont try to learn the basic languages for an l2j server you going to fail


and for you gerero

1.you say the same bullshit like everyone

2.noob servers mostly come with interlude chronicle bb

3.its mmoRpg

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If after Inerlude NSOFT had made 1 good chronicle, now l2 would be still alive.But what they  did?They did full of sh*ts gracia,other l2.



pfff idiot learn english first...you even cant write the word Interlude... :D and by the way lineage would be alive?you damn idiot rofl...there are plenty servers with 4K+ player especially in russia... :D

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pfff idiot learn english first...you even cant write the word Interlude... :D and by the way lineage would be alive?you damn idiot rofl...there are plenty servers with 4K+ player especially in russia... :D


We know that you are fan of Gracia. But dont act as an asshole when someone has different opinion than yours.

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We know that you are fan of Gracia. But dont act as an asshole when someone has different opinion than yours.


hehe thats where Coyote™ failed too :)

i played on retail C5 IL Kamael Hellbound and gracia part 1(lineage2.com if you dont know what retail is)

and im a C5 fan not gracia fan!but still i have the brain to understand what ncsoft try to make with lineage and i have a point why i hate interlude soo much and all of you?all of you say the same bullshit million times :D

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pfff idiot learn english first...you even cant write the word Interlude... :D and by the way lineage would be alive?you damn idiot rofl...there are plenty servers with 4K+ player especially in russia... :D

Take the gracia in your ass and be happy.I said my opinion,i didn't flame you facking retard.Can you understand that ppl have different choices than you?If not, time to learn it kid.
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