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Help with this please


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Well first i dont know if i am allowed to do this, first i must tell you from who is that link and that stuff. Now i live in Holland, but i was born in Portugal, so what's the deal. I've got friends on High school, and they made a project from their school to all the people. They haven't got things for exemple "chats or something else" that's just one website to get in contact with their school. Sp nevermind, if is not asking to much i would like to know if you all can just give one visit to this site: http://sosap.weebly.com/ cuz they must have like 500 views untill the next month. So i would like if you all could visit http://sosap.weebly.com/ and repost with : i did it. Sinds we are in Spam topic i think you are allowed to do that.


Really much thanks and much love for you all. The most respect for the people who will click on the link: http://sosap.weebly.com/



Thank you all very much



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