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Okay, first of all this member is TOTALLY new, although it shows regged day at 2008.

Secondly, his karma is 3 but there is nothing at karma logs.

Thirdly Why did you bring 7ar the leecher, back here? Damnit, you all know who he is. If you are trying to create more leeching sites, while we are trying to close them, then...


Regards >.>

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About karma,maybe he donate it.


I dont give a shit about karma, you all know who he is, why do you bring him here? (not you).

He will leech every new share and create his 5th failed leeching site.


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I dont give a shit about karma, you all know who he is, why do you bring him here? (not you).

He will leech every new share and create his 5th failed leeching site.


He isn't 7ar.I just asked him now from msn.And he told me that he isn't

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He isn't 7ar.I just asked him now from msn.And he told me that he isn't


OK The results of something I did, prove something else.

And btw did you expect him to admit it?

Look at his age @ the profile.


Anyway even if he is not (he is but lets say so), who causes this corrupt with Profile editions?

Oh and let me remind you KoKou; 2.7k posts, 2007 regged, 2 karma, gold member and nobody told who he is. But, oh who was he? Gestapo again.

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OK The results of something I did, prove something else.

And btw did you expect him to admit it?

Look at his age @ the profile.

I saw it.I know he is kid and he will 'play' with karma.But who cares?He will get a ban if he warned and keep playing with karma.Or maybe he wouldn't play with karma.Who knows.

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I saw it.I know he is kid and he will 'play' with karma.But who cares?He will get a ban if he warned and keep playing with karma.Or maybe he wouldn't play with karma.Who knows.


Anyway, I dont care.

Keep him here. You (the staff) are the ones who will have to destroy leeching sites again.



PS: Lock it if you want, it is not my problem as I told before ^^

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Ok i will lock it but i want to tell you something.Koukou this guy,i don't remember exactly his name,that became gold with money he is DarkLess.He told me.Anyway let's see what maxtor can do.



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first of all everyone can leech, why he could be the master leecher? do you want to add a rule: do not become donator if you are leecher"? and everyone will follow it?

This member is donator, nothing less, nothing more. i dont care who is his real name. and plus if we prove that he is a leecher then he will be banned. until then let him here. locked

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