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Also You can search for "Morph NPC to PC" - Npc can look like normal players, so they can wear ALL kind of items, so you could change his armor too.

by Matin..



Please tell us an simple example, I need this future in my server, thank you matin :)

  • 2 months later...

An Easy way you could make a pk killer is.....

1 st Spawn any guard you like example Jenna(Dark elf guard) or Vesa(Human Guard). i Chose jenna :P

2 target your guard and klick Shift+click on the guard.

3 Click Edit Npc....here you will see a list of your guards stats.

4 start editting.... you can See now hes/her name (e.g Jenna).

5 Wright What ever u want for name and klick Set. (e.g Pk-Killer)

6 on Server side name type "1" without and click set.

7 wright a title....and set...on server side title type "1".

8 on Hp chose how much hp you want your guard have (e.g 26000) and set.

9 on p.atk type how much you want (e.g 28000) and set.

10 put the p.def u want (e.g 16000) -set.

11 put the m.def u want (e.g 16000) -set.

12 p.atk spd type 999 -set.

13 agro put about 9-14 k-set

14 Run spd. about 500.....


now... if you wanna change weapon find the weapon Id you want (e.g Shining Bow--ID :6368) now if you see the guard has Lhand and R hand (left hand Right hand) on R hand type the id of the weapon u want (e.g 6368) click set.

Now restart your Server and.... your guard is ready.... if you wanna spawn more guards just type //spawn name u putted.


Hope i helped a bit :D cya....




I do it as he said but when i spawned the name //spawn pk-killer it spawn a rabbit :S

And when i spawned it with his id "target not found" :-\

Where is the problem can you tell me?

  • 5 months later...

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