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[Guide]How to make one poll with multiply choices + SS


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So i got one PM from an user named spiroslouis and he asked me how did i make polls with multiply choices.

I've searched at Guides and i didn't found it. So i will make one guide about it. ( Nothing to do :P )


So first go into one seccion:

*Lineage II English & Greek Section

*Lineage II Development English-Greek Section

*Aion English & Greek Section

*World of Warcraft Section

*Counter Strike Section

*Multiplayer Online Games

*Offtopic "Just choose one"


Now open one Subsection and press here---print1u.jpg

Now you will get something like this (and follow the step that i made there) --- width=1024 height=640http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/1451/print2d.jpg[/img]

And if you want to allow the people to change their choices just press there ---width=1024 height=640http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2826/print2r.jpg[/img]

I didn't check if it was already posted, of it useless is or not, i just made the guide for the people who don't know it...


I am done, cya all around



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Thank you very very much.I don't know but sometimes i feel so stupid because it was in front of my eyes and i didn't see it.lol

ty again OnlyLoveXxX.


No problem and sorry that i didn't pm you with the link i forgot to do it :P

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