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i think we broke Frintezza's Necklace.Is drop for son of Baium


Reflect Damage: 10%

Dark Resistance: +15%

Sleep Resistance: +30%

Bleed Resistance: +50%

Shock Resistance: +30%

Poison Resistance: +50%

Paralysis Resistance: +30%

Re-use Delay Decrease: 10%


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Earring of Antharas

Produces the following effects:

MP +31
80% increase in resistance to bleeding
60% increase in resistance to stun/silence
increase in resistance to earth-type attack. (+15% resist)
increase in the amount of heal (+10% on heals)
vampiric rage effect (4% of damages leeched)
decrease in MP consumption (-5% MP consumption)

For your information:

Vampiric Rage 1 = 6% of damages leeched



Earring of Orfen

Produces the following effects:

40% increase in resistance to bleeding
increase in the amount of heal (+6% to heals)



Frintezza's Necklace

Produces the following effects:

increase resistance to Sleep by 30%
increase resistance to Poison by 50%
increase resistance to Bleed by 50%
increase resistance to Paralysis by 30%
increase resistance to Shock by 30%
decreases Re-use Delay. (-10% delay)
produces the effects of Damage Shield (5% damages reflected)
enhanced ability to defend against dark attacks (+15% resist dark attacks)


For you information:

Reflect damages 1 = 10% damages are reflected



Necklace of Valakas

Produces the following effects:

HP +445
80% increase in sleep resistance
increase in resistance to fire-type attack. (+15% resist fire)
decrease in reuse delay (-10% reuse delay)
increase in P. Atk (+4% P. Atk)
increase in M. Atk (+8% M. Atk)
wild magic effect (+100% proba to crit)
damage shield effect (5% damages are reflected)

For you information:

Wild Magic 1 = +200% proba to crit

Reflect damages 1 = 10% damages are reflected



Ring of Baium

Produces the following effects:

MP +21
80% increase in resistance to poisoning
60% increase in resistance to hold
increase in Accuracy (+2 in accuracy)
increase in critical damage (+15% to critical damages)
increase in Atk. Spd. (+4% attack speed)
increase in Casting Spd. (+4% casting speed)



Ring of Core

Produces the following effects:

40% increase in resistance to poisoning
Increase in accuracy (+1 accuracy)



Ring of Queen Ant

Produces the following effects:

MP +21
60% increase in resistance to poisoning
40% increase in resistance to hold.
increase in accuracy (+2 accuracy)
increase in critical damage (+15% to critical damages)



Zaken's Earring

Produces the following effects:

MP +31
+60% resistance to bleeding
+40% resistance to shock/abnormal mental state.
increased heal (+10% to heals)
vampiric rage (4% of damages leeched)

For your information:

Vampiric Rage 1 = 6% of damages leeched

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