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[Video Tutorial] Learning C++ by DragonHunter


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can u give us one link with C++ compiler

You can use Visual C++ Express edition 2008


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oh dude wtfffff i just wanted so much to learn c++ o sh1t thank you very much i am serious i was searching for this 1 to start learning i hope you will continue the lessons thank you again you make me happy^^


edit: downloading c++ express edition 2008 and i will start from tomorow since i have a headache and i want to sleep in about 10 mins;/

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OH BROTHER...THIS CANT BE...omg im really really..HAPPY XD EXCITED....this is helping me really i learning C++ and 2 weeks ago i started..because of DragonHunter...THAnks man..

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DragonHunter, I should tell a thanks, because I had requested this work from you. THANK YOU for making it true!  ::)


[EDIT] What is the name of the song? =D

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DragonHunter, I should tell a thanks, because I had requested this work from you. THANK YOU for doing it true!  ::)


[EDIT] What is the name of the song? =D

ur welcome 8)


The name of the song is: 009 sound system dreamscape


Btw lesson 2 will go about Variables, cin, cout and library's


I'm uploading lesson 2 right now 8)

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Uploaded lesson 2 :P

add it on maxhackers.com too,


thanks for spending your time to that :)


the video is still not processed yet so it dont have good view

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