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EvilAngel aka Bubble aka Rey's best friends clearly has a gm char again, why do you even bother to play on Dismay, jeez.



Referring to Kumo AND you, if the server is "that bad" *eyerolls* why do you even bother posting here?


Dont want people to be scammed in any kind of way, free world.


Don't make yourself look worse than you already do.

There is no proof there's any corruption going on.

And if you people are so sure there is corruption than just fcking stop flaming here since there are enough posts about this.


I noticed I haven't really said thank you for bumping our thread so much.

14 pages, 4,3k views in a month. WOW!


Thank you, honestly!

Keep up the good work! ^^


Edit: Giran






Posted search char name Zastion  ! this is a donator as u see he has imposible 2 s grade weps +12 with sa and 2 rebirth tatoos lvl 3 also imposible !  


edit : today i pkd a bot party wc bd sws necro bishop i saw them at same spot like 4 days in a row xD so he can also be a walker user ;d

Posted search char name Zastion  ! this is a donator as u see he has imposible 2 s grade weps +12 with sa and 2 rebirth tatoos lvl 3 also imposible !  


edit : today i pkd a bot party wc bd sws necro bishop i saw them at same spot like 4 days in a row xD so he can also be a walker user ;d

Have you read this?



Or at least read previous replies. Zastion is a donator. Its been said over and over again.

Just read -_-"


Don't make yourself look worse than you already do.

There is no proof there's any corruption going on.

And if you people are so sure there is corruption than just fcking stop flaming here since there are enough posts about this.

Ahaha after many asslick posts you became moderator in Dismay's forum.GJ

Ahaha after many asslick posts you became moderator in Dismay's forum.GJ

I didn't "asslick"

I do not "asslick"

I just like the server, which is the reason I'm defending it if it ever comes to "corruption" and rumors being spread.

I'm not a mod to have a pink name lol. I'm just there to clean the forum :x


Envy now?


Still, the server is and will hopefully stay as great as it is right now.




According to you, who should I consult with then?

All the whining random players on forum who have nothing better to do than cry how much their (imba) class is nerfed?

I did that, they didn't make any sense. Their statements didn't fit with each other at all. One time archers were too imba, other time gladys were too imba, third time summoners should takedown gladiator... I am an admin, not a psychologist. I need real, solid information about bugs, and the only, even if not entirely, accurate information will come from the spine of population which are clans and thus clan leaders.


And yes, we had factor clans on server THAT fast.

Just look at the siege list after one week. TWENTY SEVEN clans.


We have ~1k almost every day during the evenings. How is that a dying server? Dismay is growing at an extremely fast rate.

Perhaps the fact that we spent a huge amount of money on ads might have something to do with it ;)


Regarding raids. Yes, there was a problem with the spawn time, it was incorrect and raids didn't spawn as they should. As you said, people make mistakes, and I am, after all, just a human.

It is nice to see that finally someone understands that. Almost noone else did.

But, on the other hand, if you ask me, raids (or lack of those) was a success. Clans asked to delay them for exactly this reason. Mass pvp. They got it, plenty.

Even if they have no jewels they shouldn't complain in such an extent that they do now. If they wanted the jewels that badly, they would never have asked me to delay the raids. They would just farm them from day 1.

Regarding the rings. I am aware that they are killable. Once the poll ends I will kill all the raids, delete all the jewels from inventory and do what the poll says. You don't have to worry about me doing the same mistake I did in the past. I'm not some lolbr (no pun intended).


p.s. Getting the item check to work. Expect it any time.


Well explained, enough for me, i take back my "flames"


PS: drama = more players on server, so keep it up :D


PS2: please add penalty for heavy sets on archers / dagger -.-



I didn't "asslick"

I do not "asslick"

I just like the server, which is the reason I'm defending it if it ever comes to "corruption" and rumors being spread.

I'm not a mod to have a pink name lol. I'm just there to clean the forum :x






Envy now?


Still, the server is and will hopefully stay as great as it is right now.



LOOL your Kitz faggot?



LoL This server is just like l2sublimity.com

Its Extreme..

Ahaha after many asslick posts you became moderator in Dismay's forum.GJ



Feel free to apply.

I suggest you get one thing clear, he is a COMMUNITY mod, which means he can lock/move threads. Nothing more, nothing else. Normal member with those two privileges.

If you wish to contribute (from what I see, you clearly don't) feel free to read the above link and apply.


@Nero, why so butthurt?

Is it the fact you asked me on msn to restore your weapon, which just so happen "your friend, who had access to your account enchanted and broke it" and I refused to do it?

You came to me yourself, asked for a new bow and I refused to give it to you. Is that why you're so angry meng?

I thought VE are cool. You're ruining that image.


Let's make a short summary out of this.


- Kumo, our forcefully removed, ex-member of dismay, super corrupted admin is claiming we are extreme, due to a tiny screenshot of so called "our website/TS" (which btw he himself made -> he had access to web server). Fyi, dismay use ventrilo, which we also ask players to use. We never advertised ts. go figure.


- Players claim that I give out boss jewels and bazillion goldbars/enchanted weapons. I post item log, turns out it's not true after all. Kumo brings a lame picture of Evillangel's inventory saying he got MID grade life stones (lol?), which just so happen to drop from GC mobs.


- I am accused of being zastion, despite he's from USA and I'm not. Completely different continent, accent (those who come on vent can tell it is so) and behavior. I explain he's a donator, after which we "are money hungry bitches". I point to banner on front page which was payed from his donations. Everything goes silent.


- Hugo (sisenors) accuses me of first being John, and then Rey. After like an hour of 100% certainty that I'm john he realizes john is from PL and I'm not. He changes his "I'm 100% sure you're john" to "I'm 100% you're dizzan/rey".


Cut the crap please.

The only reason we get trashed is because we are killing communities of lots of other L2 servers.

We have the biggest clans -> We have the best pvp -> we have the most population -> They don't.

The only way to get it, is to ruin ours.

Simple as that.


People that play on Dismay pretty much realize all the "drama" you throw at us is made up. If they believed it, they wouldn't play here.

On the other hand, those that trash us and keep making up drama to ruin our name are either clueless randoms, or the people I mentioned above. Those people that would very like to see dismay gone so THEY can have the chance of being us.


Ain't we a bitch ;)


p.s. Keep on writing please. 14 pages, +200 topic views every day. Couldn't ask for anything else ;)





Found these lovely screens on my hard drive when I was cleaning old files to make up drive space.



width=1024 height=589http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/7282/kumochars.jpg[/img]


Kumo for teh best admin evah!

Long live Kumo/Hokay and l2lad!


p.s. Let me know If you'd like the screens of the log from //summon on Kumo/Trunks.




Nero? lol im not nero, and btw no one will belive in that cheap story, you did banned him becouse he posted in forum that ur ex-extreme wich i dont see any connection with it.


and btw, he dont play anymore lineage anymore so why did would he want the bow for?


lol he is my neigboor dude, i know what im talking about, you should get a better excuse.




Edit: he is here in my house atm and this is for you, just compare all IP's and zoom in TS pics etc. theres no way TomCraft aka rey or dizzan you what ever, l2extreme did scammed everyone on donation and corruption with their extreme and lolparanoid, that why I (nero) dont want to make part of asshole like you.





Have fun with your multiplied post count, people can be lied but they are not stupid and everything will come out and already is comming.


and i dont see here any sh1t about item... when was that?!


Sorry Nero, you are banned from using this forum!

I have my hands busy plenty trying to keep the drama away by the things kumo is doing. I don't need you to do the same. Expected more from you. If nothing else, to believe in the things you see, not from what a failed kid is posting in a search for i

Your ban is not set to expire.




And yeah, VE are awesome wich i dont get the connection between this and them.. try not to push the drama around me since your full of drama going on around you.


Nero? lol im not nero, and btw no one will belive in that cheap story, you did banned him becouse he posted in forum that ur ex-extreme wich i dont see any connection with it.


and btw, he dont play anymore lineage anymore so why did would he want the bow for'?


lol he is my neigboor dude, i know what im talking about.




Yes, I did restore it to the other guy, because he donated like 1 day ago and I was 100% certain he had the weapon. When I checked his account and the person who scammed his account and took the bow, they both had the same ip (and it wasn't from the donor).


Where as nero (you) pm'ed me asking for a new bow his FRIEND BROKE while enchanting, giving me no proof of what what so ever.

Go figure.


But honestly, why are we swapping from one subject to another? First it was OMG dismay=extreme, now it's about who got his weapon restore the legit way and who didn't?

This is so darn funny. It just proves exactly what I said in the previous post.

Doesn't matter WHAT it is as long as it IS.




Read this.

That pic doesn't show anything.

Give me 20 minutes and I'll make the same screen for any website (wow site if you want) showing they are retail L2 server.


15 pages!!  :D (even maxtor looking at the thread lol)

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