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[WTB] Faction Gracia Final Pack

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Buying Gracia Final Faction pack wish include:


Custom Comunity Board(faction ofc).

Custom Spawn point for all chars.

Custom Spawn points(Soe/Dead/recall/etc) for the 2 factions.

Can't trade/buy/sell/invite/clan/ally to oposite team.

Noble System , you need 50 pvps to get Noble.

You dont flag when you attack another player and when you kill the opponent you pvp gets increased.

Everytime a factions teams logs in , they get a custom "welcome" message.

Coin(id:4037) via PvP x1.

Cannot Attack same faction member.

Custom starting levels 85(100%/Full SP) Same for new sub(80 lvl 100% full SP).

CTF/DM/TVT events(Voiced Commands to Join the active events ( .join  &  .leave ).

Colors of 2 factions.

And this if you can:


If a Player do 5 pvp (and wins them) in a row, then gets Hero Glow (no stats), and the server should announce : %PlayerName% did his first blood on %killedTarget%!

If a Player do 10 pvp (and wins them) in a row, then gets Hero Glow (Configurable skill 4 levels), Server announce: %PlayerName% got 1st Blood!

If a Player do 15 pvp (and wins them) in a row, then gets Hero Glow (Configurable skill 4 levels), Server announce: %PlayerName% is a Killing Spree!

If a Player do 25 pvp (and wins them) in a row, then gets Hero Glow (Configurable skill 4 levels), Server announce: %PlayerName% is a MonsterKill!

If a Player do 50 pvp (and wins them) in a row, then gets Hero Glow (Configurable skill 4 levels), Server announce: %PlayerName% is a Killing Machine!

If The Player Get Killed in PvP or Get PK-ed or disconnects Then He Loose His Stats and Hero Glow. Server announce: %KillerName% ended %Playername%'s killing spree of %count%!(if someone kills him)

* Also the announces are screen messages and they are broadcasted to the player's area, and from 5 to 10 and 10 to 15.. so on announce will be as default message "%Playername% is on a %count%th killing spree."


Add me on msn: mgk-style @ hotmail . fr or PM here.

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@badriniki , why do you want to spend money on things that everyone can code ? just download ready factions codes(from here or other forums) and make it as you wish.

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