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[Help] 2 different servers in same server machine.



Hello guys,I want to put 2 different servers in my server machine but i dont want in login to show both server names,i want to be totally alone each one.

I change ports and i put no-ip but still it send me to the first server :/

What need to change?

9 answers to this question

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You can run as many loginservers and gameservers that your machine physically allows.


However, l2 client always connects to same port (2106) so your machine needs 'n' different ip addresses in which the 'n' loginservers can bind in that port.


You can also mod the client (which is illegal) so it connects to other port different from 2106. This way you dont need different ip addresses, just make each loginserver to bind on different port with same ip address.

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depends on the hosting sometimes they give you more IP(3-4 as usual)than you can do it without any problem other way i dont know about client modding so i better even dont start it

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Ok my problem solved.

I just put login in other server machine without any delay which use different ip ;) .


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Ok my problem solved.

I just put login in other server machine without any delay which use different ip ;) .


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okay locked

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