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[LF]Serious and experienced people in PS for a GFX Project!


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Hello there!This topic is to announce that I am currently looking for some serious and experienced people in Photoshop for a really serious project!I am bored of hearing people asking for brushes/fonts/misc so I am planning to make something that will help all of them.Now let's get back to my project.To participate in my project you have to make an application!Please make sure that by filling the application listed below you are accepting the following rules:


  • Filling the applicaton does not make you a part of the project but just an applicant
  • I will be the one who will judge if you are able to serve the project and I will accept no comments on this
  • Claiming that you should be a part of project makes you a noob and nothing more
  • If you finally be approved then you will have to spend some time on the project!I am not asking you to become a non-lifer,just to care a bit!
  • This project will only accept experienced and right-behaved people.
  • Every part of the application listed below must be filled in order to to be taken into consideration
  • The approved applicants will be the only ones who will know about the project until it gets official


GFX Project Application Form

Real name:


GFX Experience:

Programs that you can use:

Age(does not really matter but it's good to know xD):



If you want further information on the project contact me on the following e-mail:



P.S.:The project details will be announced once I'll find all the staff that I need!

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i think this should be posted so the applicants DO actually know what they're applying to

I said that It's secret till I find the staff needed!

Apply and in case you get approved u will know...

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Yep ok but this is not right.I mean that if I apply then I'm going to need to participate even if the project is crap.I mean we can't apply when we're blind...Don't you think?



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Yep ok but this is not right.I mean that if I apply then I'm going to need to participate even if the project is crap.I mean we can't apply when we're blind...Don't you think?



LOL!Blane you are a person that I really respect.WTF Am I going to do if you don't like da project?Threat you to stay?

Apply and in case u do not like it you have the full right to leave whenever you want to!BTW contact me in msn.You already got my mail.Just log-in!

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Real name: Nasos

Nickname: Blane

GFX Experience: Designing since 3 years

Programs that you can use: Photoshop, GIMP, MS Paint :P

Age(does not really matter but it's good to know xD): 18

E-mail: BlaneGR@Hotmail.com [e-mail not msn]



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Real name: Sofaki

Nickname: SoFaKi

GFX Experience: some months

Programs that you can use: Photoshop

Age(does not really matter but it's good to know xD): 18

E-mail: soko0ko0@hotmail.com

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Real Name : Antouan / Antoni

Nickname: ReVenGeR

GFX Experience: Started before 7 months

Programs that you can use: Photoshop (main action is to do montages not signatures)


E-mail: marantonis7@yahoo.gr

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erm whatever . xD


Real Name : Dhmhtrhs

Nickname: DaRkSLaYeR

GFX Experience: Started before 11 months

Programs that you can use: Photoshop


E-mail: kidgamias@hotmail.com msn + mail


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Ok i got u all as contacts on msn!We gotta talk i guess.See u all in msn.

We still accept applies :D

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Real name:Vasilis


GFX Experience:16 months

Programs that you can use:Photoshop and after effects



Ok add me in msn messenger in order we will be able to discuss!

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FSSSSS Tell me what that project is all about damn...

When you search for someone to do something, you TELL him what is he going to do...LOL..


What's the project and I may get in as I have not much things to do lately..

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